Can you decrypt a rdd (reddcoin) walled.dat?
It depends how it was developed. But, for alt coins I normally have to have the wallet.dat (which of course is a security risk to you) because, pywallet probably won't work on any of the alt coins apart from a few there is no way which I know of to extract the required information.
I could take a look into it further about how it was developed and see if I can come up with a way of extracting the information. If you want to try the mkey solution it wouldn't hurt, but I doubt you'll find anything. I'll setup the client in my virtual workspace and I'll have a look at the possible ways.
As to payment, I always require to be paid in Bitcoin.
EDIT: Of course, I could setup a test environment which you give me the all the information about your password and any other useful information and I could try the most logical answers and send them to you. But, because I don't have anything to test against (actual data) this is just a punch in the dark, this is only useful if you know that you have made a typo or are only missing 3 letters maximum.
Send me a message if you would like to discuss your options.