Looking at graphs from fork.lol (https://fork.lol/pow/hashrate) website, Bitcoin cash hashrate just doubled vs the Bitcoin core. It is currently at over 65% of total hashrate and growing...
This is very concerning because it will be very hard or even impossible to confirm transactions if this keeps going at this rate and more miners will switch to Bitcoin cash.
You might say that there will be 400% difficulty increase in BCH and all miners will switch back, but keep in mind there will be a fork tomorrow to fix just that.
So... I start wondering if this will be the end of bitcoin as we know it?
I can't see any reason that bitcoin will die, due to its price that keeps on rising,bitcoins have just started in some places and to some it is not been being introduced,it has a long years to go,those were just speculations but bitcoin already made a history that it is worth keeping by investing,HODL your bitcoin if you have because there still a good reason why you must keep it..and its very beneficial for all of us. As time goes by.