this guy just is way off base on all his facts as pointed out by all you fine Bitcoiniacs. We already got to %8000 + appreciation this year with half of exchanges shutting down, mostly before 2013 even got going. The exchanges that are up and running now are the longest running, less volatility there. Also there is a clear trend in less and less price volatility. I am amazed that we're at $700 + with China (the very source of this run up) and now India arresting exchange operators.
There was a lot of negative press and happenings in 2013 for XBT, but there was WAY more positive press. And by positive, I don't mean each article being positive or pro XBT, I just mean press in genereal. Cyprus University, Richard Branson, Overstock etc all accepting or moving to accept XBT is huge.
Can it drop to $10 next year? Sure, but I doubt it. In 3 years times, it'll be $10 or $5,000+, all depends on so many factors including mainstream acceptance. Risk to reward a these levels I think is pretty good.