There is nothing we desire more than to see FakeXT+RealXT "put the [alleged] hashing power over the top."
Doing so creates a moment of maximized risk for first defectors, while (not merely coincidentally) maximizing opportunity/leverage for those shorting GavinCoins.
If NotXT had a slogan, it would be "resolution via escalation."
Don't blame NotXT ('just doing its job') for being the messenger. As basil00 (the PseudoNode guy) said:
Drama level at 11, patronising and obnoxious, with an out of context quote to co-opt another... business as usual I see.
That comment cuts both ways. It means your pseudo nodes are useless. 750/1000 of the last blocks mined are needed for >1MB blocks. Pseudo nodes aren't mining blocks. So pumping the 'node count' does nothing except make miners more likely to switch for fear of being on the smaller chain. Solid plan
Bit it's ok your saviour won't let that happen I'm sure. All MP needs to do is get 25% of miners to run NotXT and for the other 25% to not run XT. That way you can prematurely trigger bigger block creation and then try and do a 51% attack. Solid plan
You can't even see yourself.
Perhaps my charitable assumption, that you understand NotXT may be used to mine blocks, is incorrect? I hope not!
Sputter, flail, characterize, critique, and deflect all you like my friend. I take the sound of your howling objections to MP's long-standing Gavincoin Short stratagem (and subordinate NotXT decoys) as a minor victory-in-itself. I understand it makes you feel better (at least temporarily) to lambast my position, aligned as it is with Evil Mircea Popescu, in order to shore up the increasingly untenable tactics of Heam.
If XT wins, I will admit defeat. May we say the same of you, should XT be #rekt like Stannis at Winterfell?
NotXT is certainly capable of mining blocks and
indicating support for BIP101 while actually not conforming to BIP101. To put it in simple terms so you understand, here is the problem.
Hashrate in January 2016:
25% - Core blocks
25% - NotXT blocks (indicating XT)
50% - XT blocks (indicating XT and allowing for BIP101 blocks)
In this case, 750 blocks will likely be mined at some point in 2016 triggering the allowance of larger blocks. If the NotXT nodes keep up the charade, the trigger commences and the first >1M block will be broadcast
splitting the network essentially 50/50.Please explain why you think that this is not essentially
the worst possible outcome of any sort of hard fork.