Hi everyone,
Same thing since the 7th there have been no payouts here after purchasing the 4th contract with Bitcoin Cloud Services. Just fired off a support ticket just for sh__ts and giggles. Hopefully this is just a glitch or hiccup and all will be well tomorrow. Do you agree that it sounded to good to be true ? And if nothing happens then well it is just an expensive lesson learned.
fool me once
shame on you
fool me twice
shame on me
sorry to say - i got the same mind like you when the payout of pbmining fails... i thought there was hope, but ... nope !
on pbmining i loose apr. 10000 U$D
i think they are gone. maybe next week - if there is still no payout - i´ll make a trip to london if i find a adress or something like that... its not so far away from me (800 km), so a city trip ?!
lets see if i got time for that...
if someone gots more informations - whatever - pls msg me (privat ! - i dont want to break any laws / rules in here)
when i found nothing interesting i will go to local police station make it public.
enough is enough. those ba****ds s**ks