We're glad to announce that Bitcoinica now supports Alipay, the most popular payment website in China with hundreds of millions of active users.
From now on, anyone with an Alipay account, a UnionPay credit/debit card or an online banking account with major national and regional banks will be able to deposit into Bitcoinica instantly, with zero commissions (currency conversion fees apply).
We believe that entering Chinese market by integrating with the most popular e-commerce payment tool will be a significant boost for the Bitcoin community in the long run.
Now we're going to post this announcement in Chinese:
我们很高兴地告诉大家 Bitcoinica 现在正式支持支付宝,中国最流行的第三方支付工具。
从今天起,任何拥有一个支付宝账号,中国银联信用卡和借记卡或主要国有银行和地区银行的网上银行业务均可使用支付宝网关来进行 Bitcoinica 的在线充值。整个过程是全自动的,瞬间即可完成。同时,我们不收取任何的手续费(但是会有货币转换费,体现在汇率上)。