Hey guys, Wonderous Johnson here,
So here is a tutorial for those wanting to use the $300 google cloud credit to mine in the mining pool. You can also use an instance you are paying for or your own GPU to mine in the pool as well.
Here is a link to my dropbox with screenshots to assist you through the tutorial:
https://www.dropbox.com/sh/j77w48jjisaiwew/AACT_v3TTAlnoEAl22dOSE3Ma?dl=0First, you would need to log into google cloud with a valid gmail account and sign up (with your credit card info) to be given access to the $300 dollar credit. You will have to first upgrade your account when creating your first instance, and you must create an instance first (do not run it) before you are able to request a quota increase. Under the Quota link located in the sidebar under IAM, you can request a quota increase by selecting GPU (all regions) on the third drop down bar on the screen and you must edit the selection and enter your phone number to send your quota increase request.
Once you have completed this and received a response from google which indicates you have been given approval (keep in mind, the time-frame to be approved can take up to 2 business days, unless you reply to google supports initial email and request an urgent review of the request. Be careful with your urgent request reason, as too many of the same requests may get you an others banned!), you can create an instance with google. I use Windows 2019 server which equates to $1.82/hr, with an Nvidia Tesla v100 GPU. Keep in mind you must select the GPU under a drop-down hyperlink and specify the model and series (it is what I listed in the previous sentence). After you have set the specs of the instance you can launch it.
One the instance is launched, you will need to download the following from these links listed:
https://www.nvidia.com/Download/index.aspx (nvidia driver needed to install is Nvidia Tesla V-Series V100)
https://bitbucket.org/LieutenantTofu/cosmic-v3/downloads/ (top selection should be Cosmic v4.1.3, must be most recent version of cosmic, which is v4.1.3)
((SHOUTOUT LT. TOFU FOR THE SICK MINER!!!!!!!))https://github.com/lwYeo/SoliditySHA3Miner/releases/tag/2.2.2 (
MS .NET core 2.2 x64 runtime ,
MS VC 2017 x64 redistributable, / these are the hyperlinks you must click in the body of the post, this will not allow me to post the actual links unfortunately).
0x26946adA5eCb57f3A1F91605050Ce45c482C9Eb1 (contract address just so it is on hand for those who need it)
Once you have downloaded the driver, installed it, and the 2 bug fixes are downloaded and installed, extract the files from the cosmic miner, then go into the extracted files, click the application file and hit "RUN As SADMINISTRATOR". (In my experience the application will not launch unless you run as admin). Once you have launched Cosmic, you must hit the options button on the top of the screen and select General setup and enter in your ethereum wallet address to be reimbursed from the miner. You must also enter the mining pool url, which is
https://bsov-pool.hashtables.net:8443 Once all the downloads have taken place, and the information is filled out appropriately you should be able to mine without issue by clicking START MINING in the bottom right hand corner.
KEEP IN MIND that all downloads and installations must be completed inside the google instance you have fired up. Once this has been launched and you see the miner interacting with the mining pool, you can search for your mining address in the pool @ this link -
https://bsov-pool.hashtables.net/accountI would highly recommend joining the community Telegram, as there are 220+ members, many are active and eager to assist in getting new members into the pool and contributing in whatever way we can.
0x972f76445cfdaac66e507ffbeea2eeef22a1fef7 - Here is my wallet address. If you found this tutorial helpful and feel like donating, I will take all proceeds received from this tutorial and donate them to the community wallet, which supports growth, airdrops, giveaway contests, and pool funding. We recently launched a
TIPBOT which is currently running in our Telegram community as well if you would prefer to donate that way!
Please keep in mind this project is new, and while there is plenty of support behind it we need all the support we can get to bring the vision of this project to life. Anyone is welcome to become a part of the growing community and we are always happy to discuss new ways to create outreach and growth.