There is a max bet of 2 BTC per person per bet. We do not allow duplicate bets by the same person to deliberately circumvent the max bet amount. If we did there would be no need for a max bet amount to begin with.
I understand you are frustrated, but this is really common sense. I apologize if the rules were unclear and we will update them asap.
"If we did there would be no need for a max bet amount to begin with." are you serious?
max bet is for you to have time to lowered the price if so many people placing bets on the same outcome of a market
"BitcoinSports may cancel and return any bet if it is over the max bet amount, placed after a game has started, or if there is an unexpected large number of wagers."
"any bet" means for me 1 bet, not 2 bets, so my first bet is on the limit 2 BTC, and the secound one is under the limit 1.3 BTC
i cant see anything in the rules that you aggregate bet amounts on the same market same person, or any warning about it
you mislead all your new bettors with it , you are talking about market limit per bettor, but your rule is about bet limit per bettor
bitcoin is about anonymity too and your/this site structure (no account need) only increases this feeling
but you trace back your bettors and aggregate bet amounts , nice
use the limit for its original purpose to have time to react the market movement
sorry for my bad english