Merit DashboardEdit 05/10/2018:Link:
BitcoinTalk Merit Dashboard Updated Dashboard to reflect the most recent sMerit available data:
Total sMerit: 241.323
Total Txs: 112.275
From Users: 17.784
To Users: 22.543
minDate: 2018-01-24 22:12:21
maxDate: 2018-10-05 02:51:53
Edit 04/07/2018:Added a Tab called
Reciprocal sMerit which, if used properly, could help to detect Merit Abuse (see my post on this thread: The Dashboard has now grown now quite a bit since the initial version...
The dashboard gives you
access to anyone’s complete merit history in the TX tab, surpassing the 120 day limit.
Added this week: Post summary (distribution of sMerit per TX and TXs per post).
Added Recently: De-ranked Users, Potential Merit Sources, User Summary, Section/Subsection, Rankings and WordCloud.
I’ve been considering updating the data of some of my previous analysis. Since the process is rather manual, I thought it would be nice to bring it together into a common Merit Dashboard, in order to keep it all in one place, and to ease the updating process on a more regular basis if necessary. I’ve started off by including what I’ve considered the most relevant information, using a set of tabs to hold the information for a given conceptual vision of the data.
The resulting dashboard is a work in progress, since I will add more features and datasets whenever possible. To mention that I do prefer the colours on my previous analytical posts (black background on the graphs), but for now the dashboard will have a white background since I’m concentrated on content and a little bit less on aesthetics.
The dashboard requires no installation, but it does result to java script (so it must be enabled in order for it to work).
Note: Screen shots show up with certain date information based on my local settings. If this works correctly, the actual Merit Dashboard should work based on your local setings... (dates and number formats, not captions). The dashboard has the following Tabs:
1. Global Summary: Shows a summary of how merit is awarded, broken down by:
- Week (Monday to Sunday- on previous analysis I may have used Sunday to Saturday since it’s the default in the software I use for data crunching).
- Day of the Week.
- Hour (UTC – This is not too important, but some merit awarding varies by date depending for example if the data is UTC, UTC-6 or UTC+6).
- Weekly Ratios I’ve used before, including total aggregates at the top of the table.
Since the data originated in the public merit.txt file is published on Friday mornings, the data to the most recent week is partial (lacking most of Friday, as well as Saturday and Sunday). The rest of the weeks are complete.
We can see a clear weekly downtrend again since the end of April onwards after a light recovery in the last fortnight of April.
We already knew that Thursday is the most merited day and that UTC 8-20h are the most merited hours of the day.
New weekly users that receive Merit are around the 25%-27% area (so every week roughly one quarter of merited users are merited for the first time -> see %ToNew in the Weekly Ratios).
2. From/To RanksShows which ranks merit which ranks both in absolute value (number of awarded merits) and relative values (% of awarded merits per “from rank” to each “to rank”).
This is similar to
Which Ranks send sMerit to which Ranks - and who ranked up, but now updated.
Comparing current data to the analysis above stated, we can see for example that:
- Legendaries keep roughly the same awarding proportions overall as they had around end of march, being the most favourable movement increase for Jr. Members (4,37% -> 6,18%).
- Heroes keep nearly the exact proportions as end of March.
- Sr. Member have dropped their awarding rate to Sr. Members (23,15% -> 20,56%) and have moved the drop to Members (23,02%->24,46%) and Jr. Members (6,57%-> 7,28%).
- Full members have dropped a bit on their ratio of awarding full members (31,74%->29,52%), moving the difference to Members (26,69% -> 29,57%).
- Members awarding to Full Members has moved from 20,26% to 17,15%, being Members the most favoured increase (42,92%-> 47,07%).
- Jr. Members now favour less Full Members than before (19,48% -> 14,01%), but increase the Newbies rank (4,22% -> 8,62%).
All in all there are slight changes, but not too significant.
Note that the rank is derived from the current user profile, and not at the time of actual awarding which may have been different (we cannot access the rank at time of awarding, so this is the next best thing we can use).3. Received MeritShows the overall received Merit breaking it down by the Ranks that send it, month, specific date and user names along with the aggregate quantity they’ve sent.
By default, the data shown is the overall merit, but you can filter by user name/s to delimit the view to a specific user set (i.e. filter by your own username to see the merit you received).
4. Sent MeritShows the overall sent Merit breaking it down by the Ranks the merit has been sent to, month, specific date and user names along with the aggregate quantity they’ve received.
By default, the data shown is the overall merit, but you can filter by user name/s to delimit the view to a specific user set (i.e. filter by your own username to see the merit you sent).
5. Ranked-upThis gives us the amount of users that have ranked-up using the new merit system, indicating their starting rank and current rank. This is similar to what I’ve done before numerically in posts. To see a specific set it is easier to filter by (probable) initial rank and current rank.
I’ve omitted including combinations relative to ranks that are not amongst the conventional ranks that need merit to rank-up. There are even some de-ranked cases (omitted), probably caused by purchasing an account and deleting the posts.
6. Ranking-up pipelineThis gives us a global vision of how many users are depending on what (activity, merit, both) in order to rank-up. This only considers users that have been awarded Merit (in at least 1 Merit TX), not those that had a Merit airdrop and have not received any further Merit.
This is similar to
Stats on the Rank pipeline - How many are we on the way to ranking up? extensionComparing the above mentioned analysis (created during mid-April 2018) to current dashboard data, we can see that:
- We’ve gone from 135 to 219 Heroes that could have ranked-up, but lack Merit.
- We’ve gone from 297 to 444 Sr. Members that could have ranked-up, but lack Merit.
- We’ve gone from 1.146 to 1.919 Full Members have not ranked-up due to lack of Merit (by contrast, those lacking both activity and merit have decreased 1.458 -> 911).
- We’ve gone from 2.032 to 2.711 Members that could have ranked-up, but lack Merit.
- We’ve gone from 1.914 to 2.460 Members that could have ranked-up, but lack Merit.
In summary, merit is slowing down the ranking process (as we already knew), and candidates awaiting “just” to earn merits in order to rank-up are greater by number.
7. TXs.A list of all the Merit Transactions. The idea here is to filter by User From Name or User To name to see all Tx history for a given user/s. This can also be done on the Merit Network.
8. Merit NetworkThis should contain and embedded link to
Our very own sMerit Network Picture - enhanced with access to all sMerit TXs.
Unfortunately, I can see the embedded webpage fine in development, but not once I view the published Merit Dashboard. Until I find a solution (if there is one, which I’m not too positive about), I’ve placed a button that takes us there.
Dashboard Usage:Using the dashboard is pretty straight forward. It may be good to mention that:
If you scroll down you’ll find a very useful toolbar that allows you to:
- (<-) Undo if you apply a filter to the data and cannot revert easily to the previous unfiltered situation.
- (-> )Redo.
- (rectangle with a downward arrow) Save as image or pdf.
- (rectangle) Full Screen.
- (ESC) Exit Full Screen.
Also, when applying a filter (for example in the Received Merit Tab), you can type in the name and press the plus sign to add the name to the filter (multiple names are allowed), or use the magnifier to search for all name that contain the typed string (and then select the desired names).
To delete a filter you can hover over the filter value until a cross sign appears to delete the item, or use the undo arrow on the toolbar mentioned above.