
Topic: - Torrent Download Service - page 24. (Read 57203 times)

sr. member
Activity: 336
Merit: 250
curious what happened with the stock? It was over 1.5btc per share now it's at .5

I am curious myself. I can't answer this question for you, as you would need to ask the investors themselves. The stock price seems to move of its own volition, in ways that I cannot predict. I can only put this down to the over-exuberance of investors. It is still valued at approximately 0.6 btc, which is 3x my IPO price.

Doesnt really make sense to pay money for torrents, that are illegal to download, and you can get free and fast from any FREE private torrent site, or even public site.  I can see the anonomyous aspect of the service worth something vs public torrenting, but private torrent sites, pretty easy to become a member, get invited, super safe, max download speeds, doesnt seem to make any sense why someone would pay for a service that is already free?  And if you wanted to be anonymous you could always use tor.  I also dont see how there would be any way for you to provide faster speeds then ones personal max download speed anyways?  Example torrentleech,   both private, pretty much 0 day release, maxes your bandwith out, mine is 1.8mb/s full throttle on pretty much any download and its free.  Just dont quite see the upside of paying bitcoins for an illegal free service that already has been in existence for years?  What is the benefit of using this method?  I guess if your torrents are blocked by your ISP, in college etc then maybe this service would make sense a little, but kinda missing the point, looks like from the site that I would upload a torrent file that I already dowlnloaded and have to the site?  I couldnt give a link from a private torrent site I assume?  Kinda miss the concept on this one I guess.

Not everyone has access to private torrent trackers that can max out their download pipe. Others may have limited or expensive bandwidth and cannot afford a 1:1 seeding ratio, which is required of you on these sites. Tor is too slow for anonymity purposes. Some people cannot use torrents because they are behind firewalls or other restrictions that throttle their download speeds. Others simply want streaming access to video files after a few minutes, while some use to service because they value their anonymity. There are many different useage-scenarios, I am not going to reiterate them. If you can't see the utility of the service, fair enough. Others do however.

I did not say that the service can provide faster speeds than the home user's maximum download speed, what I did say however is that the torrent will download up to 100x faster than it would on a home connection, meaning the file is available for instant streaming access (e.g. to vlc) or instant download access within minutes.

When you download a torrent at home, you have to wait for 100% completion before you can access it. Even with fast download speeds, this can sometimes take a long time. This service will download it for you in a matter of minutes, and it is then instantly available to access from the server. You can then stream it to your computer if it is a media file, or use a download accelerator to ensure that you max out your download bandwidth - you cannot always achieve this with public torrents, even well seeded ones.

Yes, you can give a link from a private torrent site, as long as the tracker allows torrent downloads from IP addresses other than that used to login to the site itself. If not, you can just download the .torrent file and upload it. Please note however that this service is not intended to be used as a seedbox or long term storage of files, so I cannot guarantee that your torrent will be seeded according to the rules of the particular private torrent tracker you are using.

And don't forget, not every torrent is illegal! There are many legitimate uses of the technology. Bitcointorrentz does not condone the use of the service for the downloading of copyrighted or illegal materials. So if you want to download illegal files, please feel free to do so using your own home connection, and suffer the consequences should your ISP or a IP rights organization find out about it.

Anyway, as I said, If you can't see the utility of the service you obviously have no need for it. On the other hand, If you DO have a need for the service, for whatever reason, the utility is immediately obvious. Clearly you don't need it, but thank you for your input nonetheless.
Activity: 2772
Merit: 1019
Doesnt really make sense to pay money for torrents, that are illegal to download, and you can get free and fast from any FREE private torrent site, or even public site.  I can see the anonomyous aspect of the service worth something vs public torrenting, but private torrent sites, pretty easy to become a member, get invited, super safe, max download speeds, doesnt seem to make any sense why someone would pay for a service that is already free?  And if you wanted to be anonymous you could always use tor.  I also dont see how there would be any way for you to provide faster speeds then ones personal max download speed anyways?  Example torrentleech,   both private, pretty much 0 day release, maxes your bandwith out, mine is 1.8mb/s full throttle on pretty much any download and its free.  Just dont quite see the upside of paying bitcoins for an illegal free service that already has been in existence for years?  What is the benefit of using this method?  I guess if your torrents are blocked by your ISP, in college etc then maybe this service would make sense a little, but kinda missing the point, looks like from the site that I would upload a torrent file that I already dowlnloaded and have to the site?  I couldnt give a link from a private torrent site I assume?  Kinda miss the concept on this one I guess.

you said it yourself: 1.) anonymous aspect, 2.) can use even if bittorrent traffic blocked

also: what's that about having already downloaded the .torrent file? 1.) that's only a small metafile, 2.) you don't even have to download it, you can just supply a link to it.
hero member
Activity: 955
Merit: 1002
Doesnt really make sense to pay money for torrents, that are illegal to download, and you can get free and fast from any FREE private torrent site, or even public site.  I can see the anonomyous aspect of the service worth something vs public torrenting, but private torrent sites, pretty easy to become a member, get invited, super safe, max download speeds, doesnt seem to make any sense why someone would pay for a service that is already free?  And if you wanted to be anonymous you could always use tor.  I also dont see how there would be any way for you to provide faster speeds then ones personal max download speed anyways?  Example torrentleech,   both private, pretty much 0 day release, maxes your bandwith out, mine is 1.8mb/s full throttle on pretty much any download and its free.  Just dont quite see the upside of paying bitcoins for an illegal free service that already has been in existence for years?  What is the benefit of using this method?  I guess if your torrents are blocked by your ISP, in college etc then maybe this service would make sense a little, but kinda missing the point, looks like from the site that I would upload a torrent file that I already dowlnloaded and have to the site?  I couldnt give a link from a private torrent site I assume?  Kinda miss the concept on this one I guess.

I use it becasue for some torrents it's much faster and guarantees my download - It takes a couple of minutes to download on bitcointorrenz and then I can immediately start watching as I stream it from there. You can just paste the torrent link, and it only costs 0.04 btc per gb if you register.
Personally I find it a very useful service.
full member
Activity: 168
Merit: 100
Doesnt really make sense to pay money for torrents, that are illegal to download, and you can get free and fast from any FREE private torrent site, or even public site.  I can see the anonomyous aspect of the service worth something vs public torrenting, but private torrent sites, pretty easy to become a member, get invited, super safe, max download speeds, doesnt seem to make any sense why someone would pay for a service that is already free?  And if you wanted to be anonymous you could always use tor.  I also dont see how there would be any way for you to provide faster speeds then ones personal max download speed anyways?  Example torrentleech,   both private, pretty much 0 day release, maxes your bandwith out, mine is 1.8mb/s full throttle on pretty much any download and its free.  Just dont quite see the upside of paying bitcoins for an illegal free service that already has been in existence for years?  What is the benefit of using this method?  I guess if your torrents are blocked by your ISP, in college etc then maybe this service would make sense a little, but kinda missing the point, looks like from the site that I would upload a torrent file that I already dowlnloaded and have to the site?  I couldnt give a link from a private torrent site I assume?  Kinda miss the concept on this one I guess.
Activity: 51
Merit: 0
curious what happened with the stock? It was over 1.5btc per share now it's at .5
sr. member
Activity: 336
Merit: 250
@phelix: you will keep earning referral credits indefinitely, even if the user comes back to the site without using your referral link. You just need to get them to click once. Your refid is then stored in a cookie on the users system. Until the user clears their cookie cache, or clicks a link with a new referral code, you will continue to receive commission.
Activity: 1708
Merit: 1020
With regards to updates to the site, I have added affiliate banners with the users referral link pre-formatted into HTML and forum BBcode for easy copy-paste insertion. These can be found within the members area:


I have also added further affiliate statistics to the members area: earnings per hit and conversion rate.

These are pretty much self explanatory, but just for the sake of clarity, earnings per hit is your average earnings per referral visit rounded to 6 decimal places. Conversion rate is the number of downloads your referee's have made as a percentage of your total hits. Both of these are indicators of how well the affiliate program is working out for you.

I have also made some major syntax improvements to the code, which is not really evident to the end user, but will make future updates much easier to implement.

Keep torrenting guys! Cheesy

if a user from my site would visit your site and use your service a day later would it still count? for how long?
sr. member
Activity: 336
Merit: 250
Just a quick post to say that I been AFK for the past week or so, and that development of the service will resume as normal today. I should have the next live update ready to go at some stage this weekend. Thank you to everyone who continues to use this service.
sr. member
Activity: 284
Merit: 251
This sounds like a great service.  Nice job.
sr. member
Activity: 336
Merit: 250
Another feature:
Local search engine

Users will be able to chose if they want to make their downloaded file "public".
if they agree, users ( registered and not ) will be able to find them from a search engine.

If they want do download them, then you will be able to make prices as rapidshare/megaupload ...
Some free
Some they will have to pay ...

You could also share the income with the users that has left the file public. ( small % Grin )

Hmm. Interesting proposal. I'll give this some thought. Thanks for the suggestion!

Perhaps when someone clicks the the initial download link it could show a popup 'bookmark this link?' y/n. The user can then decide if they want to or not. At least it would be a clear reminder.
I personally wouldn't generally be concerned about anonymity - and if I was I'd go for the unregistered option.

I think it would be better to just display a usage history in the members area as we discussed earlier. After further thought, I don't think this would be too much of a problem, as anonymous usernames are not a viable means of identification. I will get to work on this.

Also, just want to add that I have made a slight modification to the status page.
It now also shows the total number of available and connected seeds.
More updates to come soon.
hero member
Activity: 955
Merit: 1002
Another feature I'd like is for a store of recent download links for registered users  - I've been using the site quite a bit, and at first I remembered to bookmark the links, but the more I use it the more I forget to do so (and I now have quite a lot of bookmarks that I need keep deleting). If I just start the download, and then walk away or have it open in one tab, I could quite easily come back and just close my browser and lose the link.

I was thinking about doing something like this. It's a good idea, but the reason it is difficult is because torrents are not stored with any identifying information within the database. There is nothing in the code that links the download to your member account. To achieve this, I would have to make extensive changes and label torrents entered into the database with the corresponding username. From the perspective of anonymity, I don't know how happy other users of the site would be about this. I personally don't think it is a big issue, since you always have the option of downloading the file as an unregistered user. Thoughts?

Perhaps when someone clicks the the initial download link it could show a popup 'bookmark this link?' y/n. The user can then decide if they want to or not. At least it would be a clear reminder.
I personally wouldn't generally be concerned about anonymity - and if I was I'd go for the unregistered option.
Activity: 4270
Merit: 1209
I support freedom of choice
Another feature:
Local search engine

Users will be able to chose if they want to make their downloaded file "public".
if they agree, users ( registered and not ) will be able to find them from a search engine.

If they want do download them, then you will be able to make prices as rapidshare/megaupload ...
Some free
Some they will have to pay ...

You could also share the income with the users that has left the file public. ( small % Grin )
sr. member
Activity: 336
Merit: 250
Another feature I'd like is for a store of recent download links for registered users  - I've been using the site quite a bit, and at first I remembered to bookmark the links, but the more I use it the more I forget to do so (and I now have quite a lot of bookmarks that I need keep deleting). If I just start the download, and then walk away or have it open in one tab, I could quite easily come back and just close my browser and lose the link.

I was thinking about doing something like this. It's a good idea, but the reason it is difficult is because torrents are not stored with any identifying information within the database. There is nothing in the code that links the download to your member account. To achieve this, I would have to make extensive changes and label torrents entered into the database with the corresponding username. From the perspective of anonymity, I don't know how happy other users of the site would be about this. I personally don't think it is a big issue, since you always have the option of downloading the file as an unregistered user. Thoughts?
hero member
Activity: 955
Merit: 1002
Another feature I'd like is for a store of recent download links for registered users  - I've been using the site quite a bit, and at first I remembered to bookmark the links, but the more I use it the more I forget to do so (and I now have quite a lot of bookmarks that I need keep deleting). If I just start the download, and then walk away or have it open in one tab, I could quite easily come back and just close my browser and lose the link.
sr. member
Activity: 336
Merit: 250
You could give total refunds up to ten or fifteen percent, and refund the total amount minus your rate per GB for the rest.

I'll try and think of some way of achieving this or something similar for the next live update of the site. I am also working on several other modifications to the service, so I hope to do another live update this weekend at some stage.
hero member
Activity: 560
Merit: 501
@terrytibbs: thats a good point you raised about non-starting torrents. It hasn't yet occurred, but it is an exception that I will have to think about handling soon. What I may do is give the user the option to cancel the download on the status page, and then provide a refund account address. Again though, this could lead to people taking the piss. Let a massive torrent get to 99% and then cancel it. It probably wouldn't happen, but you never know.
You could give total refunds up to ten or fifteen percent, and refund the total amount minus your rate per GB for the rest.
sr. member
Activity: 336
Merit: 250
@dancupid: yeah, that is the glitch I was referring to in post #169. It was a small code error that would immediately bring the user to the torrent complete status page under certain circumstances before the file had completely finished downloading. I had this problem originally when I first implemented the javascript refresh script too. I have patched it up now, so it should all be fine.

@terrytibbs: thats a good point you raised about non-starting torrents. It hasn't yet occurred, but it is an exception that I will have to think about handling soon. What I may do is give the user the option to cancel the download on the status page, and then provide a refund account address. Again though, this could lead to people taking the piss. Let a massive torrent get to 99% and then cancel it. It probably wouldn't happen, but you never know.

@molecular: yeah, I'm finding it hard to drag myself away from dreamweaver! Cheesy Right now, it would take a lot of effort to handle these exceptions automatically with code. I'll work on it, but I think the best stop-gap measure would be to just warn users beforehand to use healthy torrents, and then to advise them to use the contact us page with a link if the download goes so slowly that it will not complete in a reasonable amount of time.
hero member
Activity: 955
Merit: 1002
I had a problem with the last download - the webpage indicated immediate download, but what I received was an 800mb !ut file (ie incomplete torrent) file. The file I downloaded was very obscure (a Spanish film from 1973) so I was a little surprised that I could immediately download it.

Edit: I've read back through the thread. This problem may have been sorted in your last fix.
I've checked the links now and they do seem to be the correct files without the !ut extension.
Activity: 2772
Merit: 1019
With regards to advertising on torrent search engines, I will certainly look into it. The only problem is that the service can only be paid for with bitcoin, meaning a large majority of users of those search engines will not be able to avail of the service.

Yes, it would be more of an advertisement for bitcoin than for bitcointorrentz. Not a bad thing per se of course. Text could be something like "safe torrent downloading service payed for by p2p money, bitcoin."

Regarding ajax-updates: great, didn't get a chance to check it out yet, though! It seems you're unable to throttle your enthusiasm, a good thing... just don't burn out Wink

Regarding low seedcount torrents: I like the idea of a pre-payment warning if that's possible technically.

EDIT: didn't read the discussion about the low seedcount torrents. interesting ideas (btjunkie). Maybe it could be simple, though, to refund (or give an option to refund), if the download takes exceptionally long. Of course the user would have to be instructed to not use online wallet services or mtgox or similar to pay if he wants to receive refunds.

I don't think however, this is too big of an issue. For me this would likely not occur, because I search on btjunkie and check the seedcount there anyways. Maybe these situations could be handled manually upon user contact by email or similar. On the downside, we might end up with a lot of "dead torrents" we cannot really remove, because, after all, the user payed for them. Hmm, maybe it needs to be handled somehow after all... well, just my thoughts.
sr. member
Activity: 336
Merit: 250
I will research into this later today.

Another thing, use's bencode and torrent classes.
bencode include:
torrent include:

Now you can simply get the hash by doing

$data = file_get_contents($grab_from_file_upload);
if ($data == false) {
    exit("Couldn't read torrent.");

$torrent = new Torrent();

if ($torrent->load($data) == false) {
    exit("Error: {$torrent->error}");

$hash = $torrent->getHash();

// Eye candy, skip this for if-statements
$hash = chunk_split($hash, 8, ' ');


I am actually already using BEncode to obtain the torrent's infohash.

Originally, I tried to obtain seed and peer information about the torrent using the hash and scraping all the info from the list of announce trackers in the file directly, but the requests took too long. Some trackers time out, some are not responsive, and some torrents are actually trackerless, meaning the user would have to wait up to a minute or more on a blank screen while the queries completed, making it unfeasible for smooth, fast usage. So I just pulled all that code, and parsed just the data in the file.

I think the best solution would be to just remind users that poorly seeded torrents may be speed limited due to poor availability, and to ensure that they only use healthy torrents. Then I can easily update the seeds/peers totals on the status page by querying my client without having to go to all that extra hassle. They will then be able to see WHY their torrent is going slow. Not because of the server, but because of the torrent itself. I could create a "health" indicator, and explain on the status page why a certain torrent may download slowly.

The only reason I want to include something like this is because some users may attribute the slowness to the speed of the server, rather than the speed of the torrent, and might not return. If they realize that it is going slowly because of few seeders, they are more likely to return with a better seeded torrent in the future.

I don't think it should be the duty of bitcointorrentz service to check seeds and warn users that a torrent will be slow. I think that duty should probably fall on the user themselves. It's pretty easy to check, it's plain to see on most torrent trackers. Also, it would probably lead to fewer conversions.
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