
Topic: - Torrent Download Service - page 30. (Read 57203 times)

sr. member
Activity: 288
Merit: 250
I'm always excited when new companies get listed on the GLBSE. Smiley

However, the page, listed in the contract, doesn't exist. It would also be great to see a business plan and a chart of your expenses before investing.
sr. member
Activity: 336
Merit: 250
I have just listed this company on the GLBSE exchange.
Ticker name: BitCoinTorrentz

There are 1000 total shares, I am selling 200 of them @ 0.2 btc.
Let's test the water with this...
sr. member
Activity: 336
Merit: 250
I suppose that's true.  All I see on DailyBitcoins nowadays is Dragon's Tale, so some variety would be nice.  Of course that depends on the site's visitors not using an ad-blocker, or white-listing the site.
...and how many impressions result in actual purchases.

Exactly. It's a total gamble. I'd prefer to take the "definitely getting at least some traffic" route. But at the moment, I'm happy to spend the bitcoins just to get people recognizing the brand than. Whether or not they click, or actually use the service, I'm not too worried about right now.

You also have the option of paying for clicks directly, and i could get 100 clicks for 1btc. It's is a more reliable form of advertising, you are always unsure of how many of those impressions will actually convert into visits to the site.
hero member
Activity: 560
Merit: 501
I suppose that's true.  All I see on DailyBitcoins nowadays is Dragon's Tale, so some variety would be nice.  Of course that depends on the site's visitors not using an ad-blocker, or white-listing the site.

You also have the option of paying for clicks directly, and i could get 100 clicks for 1btc. It's is a more reliable form of advertising, you are always unsure of how many of those impressions will actually convert into visits to the site.
...and how many impressions result in actual purchases.
sr. member
Activity: 336
Merit: 250
I suppose that's true.  All I see on DailyBitcoins nowadays is Dragon's Tale, so some variety would be nice.  Of course that depends on the site's visitors not using an ad-blocker, or white-listing the site.

You also have the option of paying for clicks directly, and i could get 100 clicks for 1btc. It's is a more reliable form of advertising, you are always unsure of how many of those impressions will actually convert into visits to the site.
sr. member
Activity: 373
Merit: 250
I suppose that's true.  All I see on DailyBitcoins nowadays is Dragon's Tale, so some variety would be nice.  Of course that depends on the site's visitors not using an ad-blocker, or white-listing the site.
sr. member
Activity: 336
Merit: 250
That's all it's worth in fiat currency at the moment, yes, but to me it is substantial as I can purchase 20,000 advertisement impressions with it on dailybitcoins, if I wanted to. Anything that is not-zero I consider substantial, and appreciate greatly. Thank you again mate.
sr. member
Activity: 373
Merit: 250
Erm, it was only a single Bitcoin dude ($5 at this point), not exact a "substantial" donation or anything.  I mean I'm happy to take the recognition and all, but even in the US that's less than a single hour of work at minimum wage.  Think of it more as an encouragement, not a sponsorship. 
sr. member
Activity: 336
Merit: 250
You are more than welcome Ricochet! I am happy you find it useful.

I would also like to publicly thank and acknowledge the wonderful generosity of Ricochet for his very kind (and substantial) donation to the site. As I already promised, every bitpenny of donations will be invested directly into the site for future development, server costs and advertising.
sr. member
Activity: 373
Merit: 250
Well I'm pretty sure I opened all the correct ports (the standard Bittorrent ports plus the "randomized port" generated by uTorrent) and correctly forwarded them to the specific computer downloading the file, but even then I had issues.  Like I said though, this was several years ago so I don't remember the specifics of what I tried and didn't try. 

As you mentioned, various groups take advantage of the public nature of Bittorrent.  Several of my peers received warnings from the university for copyright violations due to this, which is part of the reason I stopped using torrents for anything but 100% legal files (primarily Knoppix LiveCD images). 

This evening I used BitcoinTorrentz to get a copy of AMV Hell 5, a free video download that would have otherwise taken me hours to download.  Many thanks for the service.
sr. member
Activity: 336
Merit: 250
Ah, gotcha.  Even still, 1.3 MBytes/s is a heckofa lot faster than I'd get from a torrent, so I'm not complaining by any means.

Really? Strange, bittorrent usually maxes out my download pipe within a minute after I start dl. Even for unpopular stuff it usually downloads quite fast after it's connected to some peers. Maybe you should open the port to the outside?

Eh, I think in the past I had port/firewall issues, even after opting out of the campus-wide firewall service (aka port blocking, which I leave to my router instead).  Maybe a misconfiguration in uTorrent itself, I dunno.  I investigated it long ago, but after lots of tinkering with no improvement I just lived with crappy speeds for the few files I was trying to get.  I haven't really torrented anything in a few years, so maybe things have changed, but I haven't looked into it.

If you opened the correct port in your router configuration, that would probably increase your speeds. Not being fully connectable means you will never reach decent speeds. However, it is highly unwise to do this and then download torrents from public trackers.

Many rights-organisations, ISP's or other agents monitor pretty much every public tracker for torrents that are copyrighted, and compile lists of IP addresses of those who have downloaded and seeded the file. This can lead to you losing your internet connection, and potentially large fines. I'm sure you have heard of more than a few cases of this. Many people find this too risky, so they don't download illegal movies and copyrighted material using public torrents.

On a completely side note, our service is completely anonymous.
We keep no logs, and the server is located in europe, connected to a high speed internet backbone.

This is starting to turn into a sales pitch I think... meh

Anyway, bitcointorrentz is very useful for people who are blocked behind proxies or firewalls that prevent them from using torrents completely. Others have blocked ports meaning poor connectivity resulting in their download speed being miserable, despite having fast connection. Others may just like the convenience of being able to watch video files within minutes by streaming them directly from the server, without having to wait for a large torrent to complete on a slow home connection. There are plenty of other reasons...

Importantly however, I would like to point out that and it's owners (i.e. ME), do not condone intellectual property theft in any way. This service is to be used solely for the downloading of legal, open-source and non-copyrighted materials only!
sr. member
Activity: 373
Merit: 250
Ah, gotcha.  Even still, 1.3 MBytes/s is a heckofa lot faster than I'd get from a torrent, so I'm not complaining by any means.

Really? Strange, bittorrent usually maxes out my download pipe within a minute after I start dl. Even for unpopular stuff it usually downloads quite fast after it's connected to some peers. Maybe you should open the port to the outside?

Eh, I think in the past I had port/firewall issues, even after opting out of the campus-wide firewall service (aka port blocking, which I leave to my router instead).  Maybe a misconfiguration in uTorrent itself, I dunno.  I investigated it long ago, but after lots of tinkering with no improvement I just lived with crappy speeds for the few files I was trying to get.  I haven't really torrented anything in a few years, so maybe things have changed, but I haven't looked into it.
hero member
Activity: 560
Merit: 501
Just a quick update to inform users that the status page has now been updated with detailed information on the torrent download statistics. The page will update every 5 seconds until the download has completed, at which point you will get the download link. See the screenshot below for a better idea of what it looks like:

I would like to invite as many people as possible to try out the service. I need to earn enough to be able to pay my server costs, which are quite significant. So if you find it useful, please USE it, in order to keep the bitcointorrentz service alive into the future.

And if you don't need this service, but would like to support it, donations of any size are greatly appreciated:


Beautiful - keep it up.
sr. member
Activity: 336
Merit: 250
Just a quick update to inform users that the status page has now been updated with detailed information on the torrent download statistics. The page will update every 5 seconds until the download has completed, at which point you will get the download link. See the screenshot below for a better idea of what it looks like:

Wow, that looks great! Kudos for putting out updates so quckly.

Thanks and no problem!
Next thing on my to-do list is to sort out the unique wallet address system.
That may take a little longer to do however.
Activity: 289
Merit: 250
Just a quick update to inform users that the status page has now been updated with detailed information on the torrent download statistics. The page will update every 5 seconds until the download has completed, at which point you will get the download link. See the screenshot below for a better idea of what it looks like:

Wow, that looks great! Kudos for putting out updates so quckly.
sr. member
Activity: 336
Merit: 250
Just a quick update to inform users that the status page has now been updated with detailed information on the torrent download statistics. The page will update every 5 seconds until the download has completed, at which point you will get the download link. See the screenshot below for a better idea of what it looks like:

I would like to invite as many people as possible to try out the service. I need to earn enough to be able to pay my server costs, which are quite significant. So if you find it useful, please USE it, in order to keep the bitcointorrentz service alive into the future.

And if you don't need this service, but would like to support it, donations of any size are greatly appreciated:

Activity: 2772
Merit: 1019
Ah, gotcha.  Even still, 1.3 MBytes/s is a heckofa lot faster than I'd get from a torrent, so I'm not complaining by any means.

Really? Strange, bittorrent usually maxes out my download pipe within a minute after I start dl. Even for unpopular stuff it usually downloads quite fast after it's connected to some peers. Maybe you should open the port to the outside?
sr. member
Activity: 373
Merit: 250
Ah, gotcha.  Even still, 1.3 MBytes/s is a heckofa lot faster than I'd get from a torrent, so I'm not complaining by any means.  And this computer is 7 years old (and my router's even older), so it could have been any number of factors - slow hard drive, bottlenecked CPU, screwed up router configuration, etc.  I wouldn't worry too much about it for now.
sr. member
Activity: 336
Merit: 250
No, I meant megaBYTES. So you were only pulling about 1/10th of the capability of the server. I am downloading from it now at 2.6mb/s. My broadband connection is 30mbit. It may be due to the fact that the server is located in europe.

I am already in the process of obtaining a US based gigabit server to run this service on, along with some other non-resource intensive websites. So that should ensure maximum speeds every time. I need to raise some capital however to pay for a dedicated server with Gbit speeds, so I will let the service run on the current 100mbit server until it's capacity has been exceeded, or users begin to complain of slow download speeds.
sr. member
Activity: 373
Merit: 250
Well, I'm on a university connection, so it should be pretty fast.  Interestingly, the speed tests I just tried all showed speeds a lot slower than I was expecting.  I'm getting anywhere between 6 Mbps (lowercase b) and 14 Mbps, depending on the server I choose to test with.  Combined with the international link, my 1.3 MB/s (10.4 Mbps) is probably correct.

However, when I only let it download a single stream, it came through at 120 KB/s, so after a minute I increased the number of connections to bring it up to that max speed, as I mentioned.

EDIT:  When you say your upload maximum is 10 "mb/s" do you mean megaBits or megaBytes?  It's probably megaBits, and if that's the case, then I was indeed maxing out your upload.  10/8 = 1.25 MBytes/s, which is about the speed I was pulling.
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