Let's find a Bitcore slogan together! Dear Bitcore-Community,
first of all, let us say thank you for your ongoing support. Our team is working hard every day for a successful Bitcore, but without you BTX would not be where it stands today.
We are now asking for your input to help us find a great slogan that will be used as our catch-phrase!
As an example: Bitcoin sometimes uses the slogan "Vires in Numeris" (Latin) - "Strength in Numbers". It is a great slogan on numerous levels: - it shows something positive (strength) combined with the underlying technical aspect (numbers -> strong mathematically proved cryptography).
Now we are looking for something similar... something catchy that represents our bold approach to crypto.
For example I personally like the idea of "Bitcore: Vires in Rosea". It means "Strength in pink [our catchy colour]" and is both a reference to the traditional Bitcoin where Bitcore has its origins and shows our bold/cheeky approach to crypto (thus the colour pink).
One of our main devs Limx Dev on the other hand likes to go with a more business-oriented approach. He likes "Bitcore - Your smart solution" making a clear statement about Bitcores superiority regarding its technical aspects.
Three phases1. Tell us your idea for a great slogan for Bitcore. You can submit as often as you like if you provide a valid (good quality) idea every time.
To make it easy for us to find your quote idea, please put it in quote-tags.
2. After a few days (3 - 7), depending on the number and quality of input we receive we will pick the most promising ideas presented to us and open a vote. The winner of the vote will win 5 BTX
3. After the vote is over we will randomly choose a lucky winner from all participants that will win another 5 BTX!
We reserve the right to disqualify forum members that are obviously spamming or are providing obvious low quality content. Example: "Bitcore - I like beer". Funny but... not at all related to our project.
IMPORTANT: This slogan hunt will end on Friday the 24th of November, 12 pm at midnight. Any submissions after that will be ignored. Thank you all for your support so far. When the end has come, our core team will select five personal favourite each. These will then go into a public community vote.
Your Bitcore Team
If you want to learn more about Bitcore BTX, please refere to our ANN: