Just now i'm running a new keyspace check!
And i keep notice of the checked keyspace.
I do it 5-6 times daily. It takes an hour each.
D:\BitCrack>cubitcrack -o out.txt --keyspace 20000000000000000:3ffffffffffffffff 13zb1hQbWVsc2S7ZTZnP2G4undNNpdh5so -b 32 -t 128 -p 5344 --share 36110528/74000000
[2022-11-04.07:14:56] [Info] Share 36110528 of 74000000
[2022-11-04.07:14:56] [Info] Compression: compressed
[2022-11-04.07:14:56] [Info] Starting at: 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002F9D886E6C2425E70
[2022-11-04.07:14:56] [Info] Ending at: 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002F9D8875AD6CA2BFF
[2022-11-04.07:14:56] [Info] Counting by: 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001
[2022-11-04.07:14:56] [Info] Initializing NVIDIA GeForce
GTX 1060 3GB[2022-11-04.07:14:56] [Info] Generating 21,889,024 starting points (835.0MB)
[2022-11-04.07:15:04] [Info] 10.0%
[2022-11-04.07:15:06] [Info] 20.0%
[2022-11-04.07:15:08] [Info] 30.0%
[2022-11-04.07:15:08] [Info] 40.0%
[2022-11-04.07:15:08] [Info] 50.0%
[2022-11-04.07:15:08] [Info] 60.0%
[2022-11-04.07:15:09] [Info] 70.0%
[2022-11-04.07:15:09] [Info] 80.0%
[2022-11-04.07:15:09] [Info] 90.0%
[2022-11-04.07:15:10] [Info] 100.0%
[2022-11-04.07:15:10] [Info] Done
NVIDIA GeForce G 2633 / 3071MB | 1 target
130.57 MKey/s (1,926,234,112 total) [00:00:13]
Before the year's end i'm planning to buy a 2080ti to brute force the keyranges like now (i should reduce the keyspace in
7,4 millions parts, now is 74 millions parts) and use the actual 1060 for the keyhunt-cuda random check, only for the unchecked keyspaces between the already checked keyspaces.