You want a program to randomly create a public key and then search for it's corresponding H160?
Yes, please
maybe puzzle 64-100 without pubkey can be useful to solve
free stye to code as you want or easy to code (with GPU)
problem with full calculate like bitcrack it is calculated puzzle#64 from first bit to bit 64 (or any bit 356) it uses to may loop over 200 to calculate double and add multiply, made it slow to brute-forcing
maybe someone can use this too found it (dot point trillion one percent possible)
my idea try to calculate sort can possible
1. random X
2. calculate Y from X
3. hash SHA-256
4. hash RIPEMD-160
5. check the match search
I am not sure I write step correct or not
With GPU calculate How many pubkey scans can do per minute?
option may be up to you code begins with easy first for open testing and then modify to option later
1. absolute random
2. random in the range
3. run number X (+1 next like bitcrack)
for check match RIPEMD-160 search
1. full match with "3EE4133D991F52FDF6A25C9834E0745AC74248A4"
2. vanity math like "3EE4133D991F5" (from 3EE4133D991F52FDF6A25C9834E0745AC74248A4)