When you have time could you compile an .exe release please? Would like to test it vs. the original. Thanks.
https://github.com/Uzlopak/BitCrackOpenCL/releases/tag/v.0.4.0I also tested the performance:
On my System with a Vega56 I had at the beginning with the old clBitCrack about 58 MKeys/s. Now I get about 83 MKeys/s. Keep in mind: This is just without any specified -b -t -p parameters, which will increase the throughput significally. with -p 5000. I get about 215 MKeys/s. With the old clBitCrack I get with -b 5000 about 190 MKeys/s. If I change only -b to 512 I get about 130 MKeys/s
So the 30 % Improvement are significantly when having low pressure on the GPU. On big load I get "just" 12 % improvement.
I read you can get the bytecode of the on-the-fly compiled openCL part.I will probably implement a solution to store the compiled openCL bytecode in the same folder and load if you run again clBitCrack. Thus should speed up the starting speed... Testing the best parameters should be then not taking always 20 seconds, because OpenCL is building.....
I get with clBitCrack.exe -i addresses.txt --keyspace 1:fffffffffff -b 512 -t 256 -p 256 about 268 MKeys/s
With the old clBitCrack I get in the same case about 210 MKeys/s
So the performance gain is definetely there