I'm pleased to announce financial reports for March 2013. I'm sorry it's a few days "late", I've been a bit ill recently
Please view our latest report online here:
20130405TSR.pdfI've also started an
archive of past reports. I'll get around to fleshing it out later.
Fun TU.SILVER fact of the day: Our 30-day turnover is now 233 shares (29.5%). This means we're more liquid than all other precious metals funds in the community combined, by an order of magnitude.
The TU.SILVER Report
April 5th, 2013
Dear Investor; it is our pleasure to present this week’s report. In this issue, we are once again humbled by BTC’s amazing 200% rise these past two weeks. Here are the “Right Now” numbers:
kitco.com gold: $1553.9 / $129.05 = 12.04 BTC/oz.
kitcosilver.com silver: $26.87 / $129.05 = .2082 BTC/oz.
The Takeaway: BTC has continued to surprise this week, gaining 200% since our last report. The rally isn’t over till it’s over?
Here are our numbers as of April 5th.
• Inventory: 79oz. of Silver
• Shares outstanding / issued : 657 / 790
• Cash Balance: 0.1359 BTC / 790 = 0.00017 BTC ea. (A)
• Cash Kitty 10BTC / 790 = 0.0127 ea. (B)
• Expected value from unsold silver (spot + markup): 9.079 BTC / 790 = 0.0115 ea. (C)
• Investment Position: 24.5158 BTC / 790 = 0.0310 ea. (D)
• Our cost price (spot + coin premium/etc.) : 0.0277 ea. (E)
• A+B+C+D+E = 0.08360951 (this figure is from our BV Calculator on our spreadsheet).
This represents the cost we need to sell shares at in order to provide this service. We suggest a fair ask price of 0.085 today representing a premium of 1.67
% to BV.
These numbers have been independently checked by our financial advisor. Questions about our finances should be e-mailed to DeaDTerra or posted online. The CEO (usagi) is not responsible for financial reporting.
Any investor may gain access to our books for 1 share of TU.SILVER provided they do not violate our disclosure policy (do not disclose the information
to non-shareholders, if you do, ensure it is never published).
For more information on TU.SILVER and how to protect your money in today’s crazy BTC market, please visit the TU.SILVER page on BitFunder: