I remembered also advising you about the write up on your website to effect corrections on your lottery website as you have said is a global one and it seems the advice proferred fell on deaf ears.
Lastly, I tried reading through your terms and conditions of service but could not do that even when I tried translating it to English, it failed to do so. What is the fate of non Russian speaking player's who would want to pick up your ticket but can not speak or read Russian language to understand the terms and conditions of service. Even when trying to translate it for easy reading one can not do so. Do you not think this would cause suspicion on your side? I would advise you do something about it.
1. yes you are right, at the time of writing your reply - the documentation was in russian, we translated everything into english, but we have switched the language to english right now. also when you go to our site, english became the first language.
2. in the process of testing the ticket price was different, 10$, 30$...at the moment, taking into account your arguments, we have reduced the ticket price to 5$.
We can't set the cost less than 5$ dollars, because the interest of the network at deposit and withdrawal can make the prize fund not interesting for our users.