Buy 2 of the evga 1300 watt psus 400 usd . So for 1732 usd I am hashing on fri the 9th at 1.2 th using 2400 watts
You are doing it
wrong! For 2400watts you could be hashing at 2.8Th.
yes I could but my upfront cash is 1700 vs 3200 that is 1500 usd difference
2.4kwatts cost me 9 usd a day. 1 sp10 is 1.2kwatts so I have to spend 1500 usd extra for the same hash and a savings of 1.2k-watts
or 1500 usd more and save 1.2 kwatts or 4.50 usd for power vs 9 usd for power. 1500 usd divide by 4.50 = 333 days
so for me to go ahead cash wise and make up for the power if both setups start today. my s-1 x 6 will take 333 days to spend the usd saved over buying the sp10. both machine are losers unless btc price jumps.
So buy 6 s-1's 2 evga's for 1750 today not 1 sp10.
Your machine puts me about 1500usd in the hole and make me wait to hash.
Now the guy that said buy 1 s-1 use the 400 dollar coupon for an s-2 has a good idea.
I end up with 1.2th at about 1400 watts. I spend about 2500. this is 700 less then the sp10.
the watt difference is about 200
1400 vs 1200 that is 75 or 80 cents a day so in about 1000 days the sp10 catches up to this idea. and obvious btc price needs to be huge.
So Any way you cut it. buying the sp10 on preorder is not as good as all s-1 or s-1 plus s-2
without a huge btc jump in fiat.
This is comparing ice fury usb sticks vs ant miner u-1's the ice fury was great gear that simply cost too much and took to long to get.
The u-1 sticks crushed the ice fury on the market.
But sell me a sp10 at 2k with a cc or pp get it to me in under 4 days it is the hands down winner.
BTW one can argue to host a dragon miner at 1th using paypal as the best of all deals today. instant hash no work and you have paypal protection for 45 days if you used a cc with paypal your protection is for 60 days. If you time the order. like I did. I have 50 days to pay with zero interest.
So I have 1th hashing since april 20th. I charged it one day after my paypal cc statement came. so that statement is due on the 12th of may. but the 2800 usd charge is not on it. the charge will come one the mat 19th paypal bill I don have to pay that until june 12th.
So I have 1th hashing for about 50 days before I pay it at all.
That is a better deal the the s2 the s-1 the sp10. if you time your paypal cc right I argue do this.