If you want to continue to discuss that you can do so in meta or a scam accusation. It doesn't matter who pays or doesn't pay me, I get accused of being biased in both and all directions at once which doesn't make any sense. Even now its being claimed that I am somehow biased in this situation when:
1. The claimant provided a picture of a mixture of nickel plated and non nickel plated heatsinks claiming that its not actually nickel plating but normal heatsinks from a charred and burnt miner Bitmain sent him.
2. A claim has been made that when he cleaned the heatsinks they changed color to match the others
3. The claimant made these claims during a period he was struggling to get Bitmain to agree to a warranty return.
4. The claimant posted these claims in every Bitmain thread in an effort to force Bitmain to accept his return in response to his silence.
5. The claimant now refuses to provide any proof what so ever to backup the claims, even with continued involvement in the thread, a camera and heatsinks which would "prove" the claims.
That's some Katete level logic going on there if one is to conclude that is a bias....
first picture
Click to enlarge
Three today's image
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First of all, I was wrong - I have never cleaned this blade which is in the picture.
In this blade all the radiators should be nickel plated heatsinks. From original left only 12 nickel plated heatsinks, others have been replaced in China. Therefore they sent me someone else's burnt and repaired blade for replacements . It is not mine blade, as I thought at the beginning of posting picture.
I cleaned only S5+ blades with pure aluminium radiators, I have a total 27 x S5+ blades. So there is nothing strange in this, that I mixed miners.
I also have 3 blades, having both sides of the blade nickel plated heatsinks. How is this possible ? My one S5+ miner was complete with 3 difrent type of blades.
The radiator is now cleaned himself with hot air flow.
Thus, it is very easy to see the difference first picture and today's images.