OK. The coin is on an exchange now. The free market is now available to all.
I am glad the exchange question is now solved, and also that the markets have organized fairly.
Here are some short facts about market health
- 274000 BTM in existence
- 14200 (5.2%) BTM on markets
- 6360 (2.35%) BTM offered around the median production price
- 1380 (0.5%) BTM sold
I consider this to be very healthy, thank you for your confidence.
ProjectYesterday we gathered requirements for our website, I have summarised them and proposed the following
I will propose the following initial website structure, we can finalise and refine each page as once it is created.
Header Navigation
About | Download | Project | Network & Mining | FAQs | Explorer | IPM Pool
Landing Page
Wide Deep Top Panel
Top Center: Vision - A condensed overview of what Bitmark is and what the project goals are.
Left: Bitmark, Right: Marking
read more.. links to a
Row of Three Panels
1. Download... description then links through to Release Page
2. Mining... description then links through to Network and Mining Overview
3. Project... description then links through to Project Overview
Wide Narrow Panel
Community / Informative Links... twitter, reddit, irc, this thread, trello, github, wiki
Development / Software Links... third party software, forked applications, tools
Panel of Live Stats
Anything useful and interesting in chart form.
Right Side Panel
IPM... Intro and (live?) Summary Statistics
Other Pages
Description / Why ... page describing the two facets of the project (stable crypto currency, adoption programs) and info on why that is important
Download... Release Page, with all info you expect, downloads, basic coin configuration with links to rationale
Network and Mining... health, hashrate, difficulty, estimated next difficulty, mining calculators, info for miners, links to pools and documents etcetera
Project... commits, new integrations, posts / tweets, comments on things like trello etcetera
FAQs, Explorer, IPM Pool ... all as expected
A blog... needed later? most will be handled by the 'Project' overview page.
Project roadmap... is it required to start? does trello provide this?
Hopefully the light structure is enough for us agree and move forward.
Do any of you have any corrections or commissions?
Can we agree to move forward with this?
Finally, Trello has begun to be used so that we may be transparently organised, anybody is welcome to view or comment