Milestone We have slowly reached a difficulty of 56, with an average hash rate of over 2 GH/s, there are only a handful of scrypt coins at this difficulty or higher.
Our website will have a large structure, with many resources and informative views. It will also house our discourse based community, with marking support.
The question is one of priority.
Should the website be created and put live quickly, providing a coherent informative place where people can join us and overview what Bitmark is about, with the discourse community added later?
Or perhaps we should stick with the current plan, to provide the discourse community and everything else, all at the same time?
What are the advantages and disadvantages of each?
About the network hashrate and the difficulty rise, I was expecting that about a week ago. That only shows that what we're doing is getting noticed and people, despite we've chosen not to be prematurely listed on Exchanges, are seeing the true potential of thie Bitmark project and getting all the estimated numbers proven to be right regarding the coin value.
So, everybody knows already that sooner or later they'll have to come and be part of it. And the sooner the better
About the site and the getmarked powered community spot, my oppinion is we should publish the site with the IPM pool support and the already created utilities as soon as possible. We need a face. With relevant information, a good navigation system node to everything Bitmark related, with our colors, our goals, our achievments, etc. - the Bitmark home with everything the 'normal' user, even an outsider of the cryptocurrency universe, may easily understand - the fundamentals of what is Bitmark and why everybody should join us.
Then we should hit the charts. I mean Exchanges.
Then the kick start of getMarked with the 'discourse' community to serve as a community spot, ofc, but also as a getMarked lab where we will develep and experiment new services, interfaces, api's etc.
So, resuming, answering your question: We should come with what we have now if what we have now is ready and awesome!
And I know it is.