My only problem with the article and the comparison is that a house, real estate, has intrinsic value.
What gives a BitShare intrinsic value that makes it valuable collateral for creating bitUSD from?
What gives bitcoin intrinsic value ?
Yeah, I can always be wrong on technical descriptions but I think it goes like this.
Bitcoin doesn't have a system for implementing something like BitAssets.
But it's essentially similar to someone with Bitcoin, saying 'this is too volatile' or 'I'd rather hold some of my Bitcoin in an anothe asset that stores and tracks the value of gold.' Unfortunately there hasn't been a decentralised way to do that till now.
At it's simplest level you find a person who wants to short that asset relative to Bitcoin and they lock up some Bitcoin to provide collateral if the market moves against them. Then their collateral is used to cover the trade if it moves against them and vice versa. By doing it as a market when more collateral is needed whenever a new trade is done it backs the asset at any price.
So there's no fractional reserve as claimed by OP. The reserves for the trade are there and so much in fact that BitUSD can never make up more than 30% of the system because of the reserves required to back it.
So it's just an amazing way to store the value of assets in a decentralised way that's never been possible before. It's pretty game changing in countries where capital controls are in place or there are foreign currency restrictions.
So the anonymity, speed & value of BitAssets is huge in a place like China, hence the excitement and interest.
But Argentina and other places like it will probably go crazy for BitAssets too if the system works well.
It's probably being turned on, on Monday. So investing now, means you'll believe it will work. So you should study it more before you invest imo.