The capital infusion is based on consensus vote so majority of shareholders would have to agree that the new DAC would be profitable and thus it would get funded... so the idea is that many new ideas would only be implemented if profitable as consensus and thus supply is controlled by ongoing series of votes for profitable features/technologies.... which bitcoin doesn't have... it falls within the current mindset of the economy that you raise funds to pay for new ideas... and it is scalable.. something other coins with fixed supply can't do. In the end the extra supply would be justified by profits.
Many antogonists of bitcoin used as a currency have a problem with the supply... and they say the perfect currency is one which ties supply to growth or gdp... and this would essentially be the best solution to that problem IMO... we vote for something that would help us grow, and supply would scale automatically to that growth.
I have no problem as to delegates switching from a deflationary currency to an inflationary one. I expected as much because of DPOS, but am shocked it is happening this quickly. Some people would suggest this is an inherent problem with DPoS as early investors investments are being diluted, what do you think?
What do you think about the differences of how Bitcoin vs Bitshares raises funds for development?