Are you aware PTS/AGS/DNS holders were gifted BTS and that is the reason for the dilution and PTS price declining? It's simple to understand if you perform some due diligence on your investment. They no longer need to support PTS and thus the focus is now on BTS completely. This is a win-win for everyone.
http://bitshares.org/bitshares-reloaded/Read the newsletter and you will understand no one got shafted. More so these dev's are very public and have been speaking at important crypto events nationwide.
John Underwood would not waste his time if they were not a legitimate group of devs. People also need to realize this is the wild west, they will not act like a fortune 500 company.
"Are you aware PTS/AGS/DNS holders were gifted BTS"
Yes, I am fully aware and have been since day 1 concerning PTS.
"and that is the reason for the dilution and PTS price declining?"
Yes, I am fully aware of the present scam to ripoff PTS shareholders.
Yes, I am fully aware because of the current scam that
"...They no longer need to support PTS and thus the focus is now on BTS completely..."
"It's simple to understand"
Yes, this scam on top of all the rest is quite simple to sum up.
http://bitshares.org/bitshares-reloaded/ "
"Read the newsletter and you will understand no one got shafted."
Yes, MANY got ROYALLY Shafted.
That reloaded nonsense was what exactly? Ignoring the very
"foundation" of Bitshares (PTS) is what.
"John Underwood would not waste his time if they were not a legitimate group of devs."
So now your speaking for that man too? This implies this is what exactly? So since he
trusts in this we all should just blindly trust in this too? Get Real.
And then (brekyrself) starts speaking out of the other side of his mouth by stating
this is "...this is the wild west, they will not act like a fortune 500 company..."
Humm, might want to do your own due diligence on the fact of the matters
concerning that this really isn't the "wild west at all". And that all eyes are on scams
much like this one.
And hey, if you have $800+ an hour team of lawyers that crossed ever i and dotted
every t then hey, maybe you too can get away with it. But when the regulators put
you clowns in their cross-hairs your likely not going to like it much and will realize just
like many others already realized it that this isn't the "wild west" at all.
Many a boiler plate (two bit) lawyer will take your money, all while offering terrible
advice. But then young adults don't likely understand that much. But those SP500
companies? Yea, those? Yea, they have armies of lawyers, that they really can trust.
What with all the high profile busts and take downs maybe you can get a sense that
examples are being made of anyone thinking they can steal by way of Crypto, or
commit money laundering by way of the dark-nonsense.
You claim nothing is out of order. Others, including myself claim otherwise.
Houston WE have a serious malfunction!
There is only ONE MOB I respect. I only respect the gavel and the badges because I
(and we) are forced to in this in our cold, cruel, evil, rotten, world.
Now, speaking of brass knuckles:
When PTS started: here is a quote:
"BitShares (PTS) | Creating the foundation for profitable DACs"
Of course that's not the case any more is it?? That's fraud.
Or at least to myself and (very likely to other PTS shareholders) it reeks of fraud when
suddenly this new scam states elsewhere all of a sudden that...
"...They no longer need to support PTS and thus the focus is now on BTS completely..."
So you burned it ALL DOWN, for nothing but an empty bag of scams that finally blew
the whole thing completely up. - that's my take. And surely others are running as fast
and furiously away from this entire mess termed BitShares*.*
PTS = 7% of Bitshares + (-72% devaluation of PTS, and of course now say what???
"...They no longer need to support PTS and thus the focus is now on BTS completely...")
Doesn't compute.
And these two BILLION new shares are not minable, and instead conjured up midstream
suddenly, due to extreme greed?, and divided up amoungst mainly the scammers and
insiders? You guys...You guys...Your behaving just like the SP500 Board Members, many
whom are stealing from their own companies shareholders and even their own pensioners
(ex-employees). Really? What? Is that news? I hope not!!!
Toss in there is 2 billion of these new "Bitshares" and wow, it's obvious that delusions of
grandeur are running wild in some peoples minds with that amount of dilution.
Watch out BELOW, here comes THE DUMP...of the new "Bitshares" that have zero profits
and nothing but a lousy, hyped up marketing promo.
Again, the BOTTOM LINE:
You lost many peoples confidence, plain and simple. And you absolutely lost me when
these fluff pieces touting what a wonderful thing this is for everyone involved, bla bla bla.
(At the links above).
Did anyone even proof read this garbage at those links??? It's hard to even follow through
from day 1 to today. In fact I am still reeling trying to make sense of a lot of things but that
is AFTER THE FACT, instead of before dipping toes into the waters.
Marketing? Genius? No. Horrible marketing, so convoluted it's revolting. Genius? Where?
You think you can (scam) steal from senior shareholders that "are the foundation"? Really?
Forgetaboutit. You guys just blew this all up, and it's 100% your faults.
And it reeks so badly I doubt it will recover. But hey, there really is a sucker born every second.
So maybe so. Then again, I seriously think you young men screwed all the poodles and there
isn't any putting it all back now that confidence is shot.
Just another Pump & Dump. Correction...a long series of scams and swindles with many Pumps
and Dumps. And nothing else but pie in the sky and NO PROFITS at all, from any DAC. Or did
you idiots forget about PROFITS?? And I am not talking about PUMP and DUMP scam currency
offerings either. But instead ongoing, legit, DAC PROFITS. (there are none).