
Topic: ▂▃▅▆█ BITSLER █▆▅▃▂🎲 |★★★BOUNTY ROLL★★★ - page 417. (Read 549614 times)

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THE BOUNTY ROLL (60 platers max) will start in 1 hour at 10:15  AM (GMT)

Common Rules :

1) You need to register here by posting your name after this post ( 1 player per post and you must be in the chat at least 10 min before the start or you'll loose your seat).
   Don't try to abuse the game with multiaccount or I'll hunt you. Only one account by player.
   If you didn't make any deposits during the last 30 days, you may not be registered if there is already many players in.

2) We will give each of the first 30 registered players a roll number, it will be the targets for the other players
   The list will be post in the chat at the begining of the game

2) The goal of the game is to hit the roll number of the other players to kick them out and steal their bounty.
    If you hit the roll number of another player, post it in the chat (b:x xxx xxx xxx) and save it (so we can check who hit first if 2 players are not agree)
    You'll take his bounty and he'll be knocked of the game. (Players who lost cannot play anymore)
3) During the game, the registered players who were not in the 30 first will be add to the list when others will be knock out.
    As soon as you see your name in the list you can join the game (if you try to cheat and post a old bet you will be baned)

4) The game will last 15 minutes.
    If you survive the whole game, you'll get 20 000 satoshis. Only players from the original list (the first 30) can win a survivor prize.

5) The bounty reward is your bet *50 up to 125,000 satoshi so you need to bet 2 500 satoshis to win the max prize for a kill.
       - Example: you hit a player target and you have bet 1,000 satoshi, you'll get 50,000 satoshi reward.
       - Example: you hit a player target and you have bet 2,500 satoshi, you'll get 125,000 satoshi reward.
       - Example: you hit a player target and you have bet 5,000 satoshi, you'll get 125,000 satoshi reward.
   You cannot bet with more than 90% chance

6) All prizes will be paid at the end of the game.

   (Remember, we have different speed roll depending on the bet amount 0-10, 10-100, 100-499, 500-999, 1,000-4999, 5,000+).
THE HUNT will start will start in 1 hour at 10:15  AM  (GMT)


1) Você precisa se registrar aqui postando seu nome após este post (você deve estar no bate-papo pelo menos 10 minutos antes do início ou você vai perder o seu lugar).
     Não tente abusar do jogo com várias contas ou eu vou caçar você.  Apenas uma conta por jogador.

2) Daremos a cada um dos primeiros 30 jogadores registrados um número de rolo (ROLL) , este será o alvo para os outros jogadores.
    A lista será postada no chat no início do jogo

2) O objetivo do jogo é bater o número do rolo dos outros jogadores para tirá-los para fora do jogo e roubar sua recompensa.
  Se você bater o número do rolo de um outro jogador, postá-lo no bate-papo (b: x xxx xxx xxx) e guarde-o (assim nós poderemos verificar quem bateu primeiramente se 2       jogadores não concordam)

3) Durante o jogo, os jogadores registrados que não estavam nos 30 primeiros serão adicionados à lista na medida que outros serão nocauteados.
  Assim que você ver o seu nome na lista você pode participar do jogo (se você tentar enganar e publicar uma aposta antiga você será banido)

4) O jogo irá durar 15 minutos.
    Se você sobreviver a todo o jogo, você terá 20 000 satoshis. Somente os jogadores da lista original (os primeiros 30) podem ganhar um prêmio de sobrevivente.

5) A recompensa é a sua aposta * 50 até 125.000 satoshi por isso você precisa apostar 2 500 satoshis para ganhar o prêmio máximo por KILL (matar)
      - Exemplo: você atingiu um alvo de jogador e você apostou 1.000 satoshi, você receberá 50.000 recompensa satoshi.
      - Exemplo: você atingiu um alvo de jogador e você apostou 2.500 satoshi, você receberá 125.000 satoshi recompensa.
      - Exemplo: você atingiu um alvo de jogador e você apostou 5.000 satoshi, você receberá 125.000 recompensa satoshi.
   Você não pode apostar acima de 90% de chance.

6) Todos os prêmios serão pagos no final do jogo.

(Lembre-se, temos rolo de velocidade diferente, dependendo da quantidade de aposta 0-10, 10-100, 100-499, 500-999, 1.000-4999, 5.000 +).

Пpaвилa игpы:

1) Baм нeoбxoдимo зapeгиcтpиpoвaтьcя здecь нa фopyмe, paзмecтив cвoe имя пocлe тoгo, кaк yвидитe этoт пocт (вы дoлжны быть в чaтe, пo кpaйнeй мepe зa 10 минyт дo нaчaлa игpы или вы пoтepяeтe cвoe мecтo).
   He пытaйтecь злoyпoтpeблять мyльтиaккayнтaми , aдминиcтpaция cтpoгo зa этим cлeдит и вы бyдeтe нaкaзaны в cлyчae нapyшeния!. Дoпycкaeтcя тoлькo oдин aкayнт для yчacтия в игpe!

2) Пocлe peгиcтpaции  кaждoмy из пepвыx 30 зapeгиcтpиpoвaнныx игpoкoв пpиcвaивaeтcя yникaльный нoмep, кoтopый бyдeт мишeнью для дpyгиx игpoкoв.Cпиcoк нoмepoв yчacтникoв вы yвидитe в aнглийcкoм чaтe нeпocpeдcтвeннo пepeд нaчaлoм игpы!

2) Цeль игpы cocтoит в тoм, чтoбы "выбить" нoмepa coпepникoв, пpи этoм caмoмy ocтaтьcя "вживыx"- тo ecть чтoбы ктo-нибyдь нe выбил вaш нoмep!
    Ecли вы нaшли нoмep дpyгoгo игpoкa, вы дoлжны oпyбликoвaть eгo в чaтe (B: x xxx xxx xxx) и coxpaнить eгo в блoкнoтe дo oкoнчaния игpы (игpa oчeнь динaмичнaя и инoгдa тpeбyeтcя пoдтвepждeниe ктo из игpoкoв был пepвым пocлe oкoнчaния игpы, в cлyчae cпopныx cитyaций)
    Ecли выбили твoй нoмep-тo ты cчитaeшьcя "yбитым" и нe мoжeшь пpoдoлжaть игpy!He пытaйтecь иcпoльзoвaть читы или пocтить cтapыe cтaвки!

3) Bo вpeмя игpы, игpoки кoтopыe зapeгиcтpиpoвaлиcь пocлe пepвыx 30 yчacтникoв пoпaдaют в cпиcoк oжидaющиx, тo ecть вы дoлжны нaблюдaть зa игpoй в чaтe, и кoгдa "yбивaют" пepвыx yчacтникoв вы пoпaдaeтe в cпиcoк пo мepe иx выбывaния,кoгдa yвидитe cвoё имя и нoмep в чaтe-нaчинaeтe игpaть!

4) Игpa бyдeт длитьcя 15 минyт.
Ecли вы "выжили"  дo oкoнчaния игpы, вы пoлyчитe 20 000 satoshis. Toлькo игpoки из пepвoнaчaльнoгo cпиcкa (пepвыe 30) мoгyт пpeтeндoвaть нa этoт пpиз!

5) Boзнaгpaждeниe Бayнти вaшa cтaвкa * 50 дo 125 тыcяч Satoshi тaк чтo вaм нyжнo cдeлaть cтaвкy 2 500 satoshis, чтoбы выигpaть мaкcимaльный пpиз зa yбийcтвo.
       - Пpимep: вы выбили игpoкa, и вы cдeлaли cтaвкy 1,000 Satoshi, вы пoлyчитe 50000 Satoshi нaгpaдy.
       - Пpимep: вы выбили игpoкa, и вы cдeлaли cтaвкy 2500 Satoshi, вы пoлyчитe 125,000 Satoshi нaгpaдy.
       - Пpимep: вы выбили игpoкa, и вы cдeлaли cтaвкy 5,000 Satoshi, вы пoлyчитe 125,000 Satoshi нaгpaдy.
    нe paзpeшaeтcя cтaвить вышe 90% шaнc нa выигpыш.

6) Bce пpизы бyдyт выплaчeны в кoнцe игpы.
   (Пoмнитe, чтo мы имeeм paзличныe cкopocти aвтoбeт в зaвиcимocти oт cyммы cтaвки, 0-10, 10-100, 100-499, 500-999 1,000-4999, 5000 +).


1) Anda harus mendaftar di sini dengan memposting nama Anda setelah postingan ini (Anda harus berada dalam chat setidaknya 10 menit sebelum dimulai atau Anda akan kehilangan tempat Anda).
   Jangan mencoba untuk menyalahgunakan permainan dengan multiaccount atau aku akan memburu Anda. Hanya satu account satu pemain.

2) pertama Kami akan memberikan masing-masing nomor roll 30 pemain yang terdaftar, itu akan menjadi target bagi para pemain lainnya
   daftar pemain akan dipost dalam chat pada awal permainan.

2) Tujuan dari permainan ini adalah untuk menemukan nomor roll pemain lain untuk mengeluarkan mereka dari permainan dan mencuri peluang mereka.
    Jika anda menemukan nomor roll pemain lain, posting di chat (b: x xxx xxx xxx) dan simpan (sehingga kita dapat memeriksa siapa yang pertama, jika 2 pemain tidak setuju)
    Anda akan mengambil tempatnya dan dia akan keluar dari permainan. (Pemain yang hilang tidak bisa bermain lagi)
3) Selama permainan, para pemain yang terdaftar yang tidak berada di 30 pendaftar pertama akan menambah daftar ketika orang lain akan telah gugur.
    Segera setelah Anda melihat nama Anda dalam daftar Anda,Anda dapat bergabung didalam permainan (jika Anda mencoba untuk menipu dan memposting id lama Anda akan dibaned)

4) Permainan akan berlangsung 15 menit.
    Jika Anda bertahan selama permainan, Anda akan mendapatkan 20.000 satoshi. Hanya pemain dari 30 pendaftar pertama yang akan mendapatkan hadiah.

5) Hadiah dari bounty ini berdasarkan taruhan anda.Mulai dari 50 hingga 125.000 satoshi sehingga Anda perlu bertaruh di 2.500 satoshis untuk memenangkan hadiah maksimum untuk membunuh 1 pemain lain.
       - Contoh: Anda memukul target pemain lain dan Anda telah bertaruh 1.000 satoshi, Anda akan mendapatkan hadiah 50.000 satoshi.
       - Contoh: Anda memukul target pemain lain dan Anda telah bertaruh 2.500 satoshi, Anda akan mendapatkan hadiah 125.000 satoshi.
       - Contoh: Anda memukul target pemain lain dan Anda telah bertaruh 5.000 satoshi, Anda akan mendapatkan hadiah 125.000 satoshi.
   Anda Tidak dapat bertaruh dibawah 90% peluang

6) Semua hadiah akan dibayar pada akhir pertandingan.
   (Ingat, kita memiliki kecepatan roll yang berbeda tergantung pada jumlah taruhan 0-10, 10-100, 100-499, 500-999, 1,000-4999, 5,000 +).


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you are right, from your point of view, i agree with both opinions, i was banned about 2000 times on about 200 sites, never thought of revenge
i am tangential, i have broader picture of online activities, i'm putting myself on side of morality and inventing games and solutions for users side
all online industry is predominantly one sided, owners side, i have my solution for bitslers users and all online community in joining sportsbetting with dices
i tried explain that solution and sportsbetting method on chat, but since they have banned me on both accounts, i continue to do it on forum, if not i have twitter
sure they can delete my posts and you can ignore my posts to protect yourself against my swaying or derailing, we have all technology and options to do that,
but you can not ignore mod on chat, probably in future we will have it on all chats, but now it is one sided: mod can ban you but you can not ignore mod
i am presumed mod for all online industry so i help them to protect us and them against some moral attacks from real life, because mods are in virtual life
avenge or revenge is serving for nothing, we have to think, click, learn, improve internet by developing and cherishing new universal internetial culture
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yeah .. hah ... i always answer ... my jokes are very very serious ... that is logical ... as i carry a huge responsibility for the future of human mankind
to trickle down to people one zillion divine dollars require a very tricky actions .... but in positive sense ... that codex is interesting, i never heard of it
i remember some cumran scrolls or so .. yes, in history we have had different phenomena, but we are now with internet and online life activities acute
if user on chat vulgarize, profanize or pollute then mod-admin can ban him but if mod-admin pollute, vulgarize or profanize then user can not ignore him
that is technologically okay, but moralologically it is not sustainable, user-chatter can only ask apology from admin-mod, haha .. if they are willing to do it
desacrate, hah, 911, okay, mod that descrates chat which is center of the temple of the internet i consider internet as temple, some other use it as toilet
many many users are trying to bring the culture from real life to virtual life on internet, that is not plausible nor reasonably, that is intrusion and pollution
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