Hello everyone,
I am Mitchell, owner of BitCoinInformation and also an admin on BitVegas. No one ever had a problem with us and when there was a problem it was always resolved. I just got an hilarious e-mail from ""Roger Epting" <
[email protected]>" which states the following:
"Roger Epting" <
[email protected]>
[email protected]>
Wed, 13 Nov 2013 20:06:25 -0500 (EST)
Hello, I just want to let you know we are doing an investigation on the owner of bitcoin-ads.net and BitVegas. Please provide us with any information if he hasn't followed up with any payments you are owed. Guy Kilgour, the owner of Bitvegas and bitcoin-ads.net is in legal trouble and we will need all the information if he has not paid.
Best Regards,
Roger Epting
Let me tell you, Guy Kilgour is
not the real name of the owner of BitVegas and the @aol.com e-mail address makes it even more funnier. You are not trying to get anything back anymore icecube, you are trying to rip us off.
My reply to that e-mail was something that made me smile:
Hello Roger,
First of all, what the fuck is this? The owner of Bitcoin-ads, BitAds and BitVegas has always payed me and I never ever had any problems with him or his services. If this is about xcube7's ridiculous claim that we stole his Bitcoins, please contact the owner directly. He can provide all the proof needed to show you that this claim isn't based on any facts. Also, lol on your e-mail address.
Kind Regards,
The Owner of BitCoin Information
Hello, this is a part of a huge ongoing investigation and I have been having ongoing conversations with other people to help investigate. There is a group of us investigating his claims and getting all the information we can get. Sorry, but it is too late to deny these claims as we have all of your personal information and we will be taking legal action. Also this was not to be made public as we would like you to delete that post. It was posted in AIM to be able to contact us. Sorry, for the misunderstanding.
I'm sorry IceCube but unless you have something new to bring to the table. We consider this matter closed for the time being.
As far as I can see this is nothing more than an attack on BitVegas's reputation. We see that you have begun mass messaging people about this.
We are more than happy to undergo any investigation like the one mentioned above. Trust and reliability from our members is of upmost importance. It will help straighten everythign out.
I did some investigation early on due to my 0.22 BTC theft (obviously from murderscene), but can't be bothered anymore. Good luck.
Like I said earlier I was never informed by this issuie. If you provide your Minecraft username I can check the logs to see when, where, and why this happened. How come this issue never came up until now?
Your letting your own reputation falter. This message was never going to be made public, nor did anyone ask the sent admins to make it.
The proof are in the PMs here. How much BTC have you dealt with him?
I never said I was (I wish I were, but I am not). But I do know that he never accused Murder as far as I know. I also said that I bet on the fact that he send more then you.
How much you want to bet. I have proof I sent 27 more BTC than him
As I posted before, he had deposited less BTC than me!