You either had 21 or drew to 21 at least 15-20 times.
Name: gamer
and yes i was betting small amounts.
I would do it but can't figure out how. thanks
If you email our support team (, they'll be happy to send you a CSV of all your gameplay history.
I've also pasted in the summary of the last 50 hands you played below (all the bet size's were for μ฿). It looks like the house drew to twenty-one 11 times throughout your past 50 hands.
203 20 (6s, 4c, Qd) 19 (10s, 9d) [lose -203]
150 17 (2c, Ks, 5c) 14 (8s, 6h) [lose -150]
90 18 (Jc, 8d) 24 (4h, 2c, 8s, Kd) [bust -90]
90 19 (9d, Ks) 17 (6s, 6h, 5s) [lose -90] ; 20 (6d, 4c, Qd) [win +90]
17 18 (5c, 6h, 7s) 20 (Kc, Kc) [win +17]
8 20 (Js, Qc) 15 (5d, 8h, 2s) [lose -8]
5 21 (6s, 5s, Jc) 12 (2h, Qd) [lose -5]
17 17 (10h, 7c) 18 (5s, 3d, Kh) [win +17]
16 23 (3s, 10c, Qc) 20 (Ks, 10s) [win +16]
10 21 (3c, Kh, 8c) 14 (3h, 7d, 4s) [lose -20]
10 8, 18 (Ac, 7c) 18 (2c, 7c, 9c) [push +0]
10 10, 20 (5h, Ad, 4h) 16 (6c, 5s, 5c) [lose -20]
10 20 (2s, 10c, 8d) 13 (Js, 3c) [lose -10]
10 18 (8c, 10s) 19 (9h, 2h, 8h) [win +20]
10 19 (5s, Qh, 4s) 15 (9d, 6h) [lose -10]
10 17, 27 (Kh, 3s, Ah, 3s) 17, 27 (6h, Js, Ac) [push +0]
10 18 (Jd, 5h, 3d) 19 (9d, 10d) [win +10]
10 24 (9s, 5h, 10s) 13 (4h, 9d) [win +10]
10 20 (4h, 5h, 3c, 8c) 20 (5s, 6s, 9h) [push +0]
10 21 (7h, 8c, 6h) 22 (2d, Js, Kd) [bust -10]
10 18 (8c, Kd) 17 (Jc, 7h) [lose -10]
10 24 (10d, 6c, 8c) 17 (7c, Qc) [win +10]
10 11, 21 (10h, Ad) 16 (6h, Jh) [lose -10]
1 23 (6s, 6c, 4d, 7h) 14 (5h, 9h) [win +1]
1 8, 18, 28 (As, As, 6c) 21 (3s, 9c, 9s) [win +1] ; 13 (3s, Jc) [lose -1]
584 20 (5s, Kd, 5c) 9, 19 (4c, Ad, 4s) [lose -584]
846 21 (3s, Jc, 8h) 19 (Qc, 9c) [lose -846]
300 18, 28 (5d, Ac, 9h, 3s) 12 (2d, Qs) [lose -300]
140 10, 20 (9c, Ah) 23 (4c, Jh, 9d) [bust -140]
140 20 (5h, 6h, 9s) 12 (8d, 4s) [lose -140]
60 17 (Qh, 4c, 3s) 22, 32 (2d, 4c, Ah, 6c, 9d) [bust -60]
14 21 (4c, Kh, 7c) 15 (7s, 8s) [lose -14]
500 26 (4d, 2s, Kd, 10s) 19 (9c, Js) [win +500]
300 11, 21 (Ad, 10c) 20 (Ks, 10h) [lose -300]
120 18 (8c, 2c, 2s, 3s, 3h) 23, 33 (6c, Ah, 8d, 8c) [bust -120]
120 19, 29 (3c, 9h, As, 3h, 3d) 19 (5d, 4d, Kd) [push +0]
80 11, 21 (Ad, Jh) 7 (5c, 2h) [lose -80]
80 20 (10h, Kc) 11, 21 (6c, As, 4h) [win +80]
80 10, 20 (9h, Ad) 20 (Jh, 10s) [push +0]
40 10, 20 (9c, Ad) 8, 18 (3h, Ac, 4c) [lose -40]
11 17 (2d, Kc, 5d) 13 (4s, 9h) [lose -11]
11 20 (5s, 5h, Jh) 15 (3s, 6d, 6h) [lose -22]
12 23 (3c, Kd, Qd) 17 (4c, 7s, 6d) [win +24]
3 21 (6h, 5h, Jc) 13 (3d, Js) [lose -3]
3 11, 21 (As, Qh) 20 (Qh, Kc) [lose -3]
3 21 (3s, 8s, Qd) 15 (8h, 7d) [lose -3]
3 18 (7d, 8c, 3c) 20 (Kh, Kc) [win +3]
3 20 (Qh, 10h) 19 (7s, 5s, 2d, 5c) [lose -3]
250 17, 27 (6d, Ad, 10d) 18 (4d, 7h, 7s) [win +500]
I assure you we don't do this! And, if we were to do anything like it, we'd at least utilize the GPU with HTML5 technologies