With this as the basis, unfortunately I have to say that I have to agree with the casino's decision, that there are questionable factors related to the documents you gave them.
I've give my best to give you benefit of doubts by asking you to provide other documents, and waited for more than one week, through multiple posts as reminder. I can wait rather indefinitely, but it won't be fair for the casino to have it dragged for too long, with their status marked as "in progress" or otherwise, while the current evidence shows they have the case concluded.
If you want to get this case retried with the current evidence, feel free to take my other suggestion that I am still widely open, to choose up to five DT1 [you can look at them here], of which I shall reach them and ask their readiness to verify what I've verified [the offer to cover every other thing and only made elements on my findings available is still also open for you to take], to maintain fairness.
Otherwise and until then, I am marking this case as resolved.
To the overseer of this case,
This is the first time I handled a case that goes so deep that I had to be the one who make a call. If I may repeat myself, it's kinda dropped into my plate. I didn't ask for this, but it is what it is. They provided me something and [in a way] called for my "duty" to the forum, of which I obliged.
I can't share the evidence publicly due to the private nature of the docs and [ironically, I have to borrow what casinos said about their detection method] to keep these alleged scammers from learning and improving themselves on forging KYC process, but if my words hold any water, I find that the elements on the KYC being submitted, of which I verify with my own DD, is indeed questionable.
I gave the player a chance to prove these findings wrong, perhaps just a mixture of unfortunate coincidences, by asking them to resubmit another docs that I can perhaps re-verify, and they indirectly refuse to do it.
I hope this call I made can be accepted as the final and closing words to this case.
Bro. Thank you very much for all. Aprreciate for your help. But let forget this. Players cant do anything to the scam site when the money lost.
The scammers stolent my money. And i cant get it back.
Iam not cheating, Fairplay. But i met the scammers. They dont want to pay for the winners. That is all.
Iam posting and run ad facebook to warning for all players in my country about this fucking site. BK8 scammers. That is all !