Maybe try and uninstall and re-install the app from chrome (only the latest version has the Google drive flag).
Aye Aye.
feature requests:
a) can you include a setting where the wallet will auto-backup to email whenever a new private key is imported/created?
b) on the send payment screen can you include a "total" (for send many payments) and a "remaining balance" display.
c) I like the idea of using google authenticator but how about an option for only requiring it on a system you haven't logged in from (and then cache it for 90 days).
Thanks for the donation.
a) Should already be that option in Account Details
b) Nice idea, can do.
c) Unfortunately it's not possible to do this with the current wallet format. Everything is cantained within one file which the client downloads and decrypts, two-factor authentication can't happen after the wallet is downloaded as the attacker could just extract the private keys and move them to a different client.
Updated, will change after cache clears.
That's quite a lot of data there I don't need.
Which call are you using?