Email only states the attempt that i made few seconds ago...
It's annoying... can i turn this off?
If you login successfully once your browser should be remembered for up to 1 month, is this not happening? To avoid these messages you can use the direct link from the welcome email to login rather than using the alias but they cannot be disabled currently.
Interesting message from twilio this morning:
We got further information from our carrier confirming that business such as bitcoin is not a proper financial tool in China and the Authority may treat bitcoin as an illegal business. Unfortunately the China Telecom Authority has requested that all bit-coin traffic to China be blocked.
As the provider of the phone number, Twilio is responsible for assuring the carriers that no more traffic related to bitcoin will be sent to China. Therefore, I have removed your international SMS permission to China. Please do not turn this on or try sending SMS messages to mobile numbers in China. Doing so will very likely lead to immediate account suspension.
Again I'm sorry for the convenience. Please let me know if you have any additional questions.
Twilio Customer Support
Not sure if this is the official state opinion. But as a consequence we can no longer send SMS messages to users in China.