I'm sorry - but can someone give me a definition of 'CONFLICT OF INTEREST' that would not apply to a decentralised open source project where the lead devs also work for a private company ?
I am not saying that the Blockstream boys are not passionate about bitcoin.
I am not saying that they have not done wonderful work and continue to do so.
I am not saying Sidechains are not an amazing achievement.
BUT - when the honeymoon is over.. and a choice needs to be made, will they go for blockstream's wishes, or the bitcoin community ?
because that day WILL come.
When the honeymoon is over.. and a choice needs to be made, will Gavin go for MIT's (USG) wishes, or the bitcoin community ?
When the honeymoon is over.. and a choice needs to be made, will Mike go for Google's/NSA/Circle (USG) wishes, or the bitcoin community ?