I'm not sure if you'll have this in your book or not, but one thing that seems to be missing from some of the .Net wrapper libraries are annotated examples for calling each of the supported API methods. Often the Bitcoin wrappers will include a basic example of only 2-3 methods (say checking the balance), but will miss key examples for each of the critical JSON methods that the wrapper calls, like sending a transaction. Granted, you can always look through the class and try to determine how to correctly call the method with the required parameters. However, it's much easier to just look at a working example and then change what you need to in order to adopt into the code.
I'm looking forward to the book!
Thanks for the feedback, the RPCClient class has a good deal of easy to call methods. However, I also let exposed the
JObject SendRequest("commandname", request), so people are not stuck when the RPC api evolve but not NBitcoin.
Moreover, with C# you can add your custom method to classes without modifying the source. (Extension methods)
The book does not focus on the APIs though. I focus on blockchain programming, the reason is that by knowing the basics, you can better evaluate all APIs by yourself, but also create your own if none fit your needs.
Hello all,
Happy coding and make shit happens,
100% awesome. You are the man (l'homme!). 1000s of cool things will be built on your great work. Way to go Nicolas.
Microsoft owes you
bit time and they are idiots with growing intensity every day they don't send you a ton of money for promoting their platform.
Thanks, actually the best medal I can get is people building cool services thanks to it.
Microsoft is doing better since the management shake up after Ballmer left.
They are doing awesome work again, and I like its community. (
http://channel9.msdn.com/ show lots of the cool stuff)
I must say that I was not so optimistic in the past.
Congratulations, Nicolas! I have to read it
Hope you'll want to depend on it for the cool projects you are doing