I am sure this question has been asked/answered but could not find it.
How do I limit one of the pairs to a fixed value of available funds. I started trading in 5 different pairs yesterday, and when I got up this morning one of the pairs had more than 30% of my funds tied up.
When this pair took a slight drop this morning, I was looking at a 0.3
BTC loss, according to the balances at Poloniex. When I went to bed, I had a 0.3
BTC gain. (Simply marvelous!)
Can I limit the funds available to a specific pair? Also, can I specify that CAT, in total, can use 80% of funds and leave 20% behind in case something goes awry? (Not with CAT, but markets in general). This is how I manage my real-world stock trading and would like to do the same with CAT.
Thanks in advance.
CAT usually works only with the TOTAL Value of the orders you create from the Ping-Pong generator Panel.
It means that if you create 1 order SELL X@Y TOTAL IS X x Y = TOT
Then CAT will "play" with TOT forever PING -> PONG -> BUY SELL POOL -> PING -> PONG Etc....
Only when a rounding routine occurs it's possible that a part of your porftolio is used : for example when a trade occurs and the total values is < than the total value allowed by the Exchange for an order creation (the PONG Order creation in that example).
you can use these option (copy/past from the guide)
- Stop Ping Creation if Total Orders Amount is > X : Before a new Ping Creation CAT will sum all your total (Qty*Price) of all your active orders and if sum is > X, no new Ping will be created.
And all the DUST OPTIONS
- Ping Order is Dust if QTY is < X : A Ping order will be flagged as "Dust" if his current QTY is < X
- Ping Trades is Dust if QTY is < X : A Trade from Ping will be flagged as "Dust" if his QTY is < X
- Ping Trades is Dust if TOTAL (qty x Price) is < Min Total Market Orders (Qty x Price) : Min Total Market Orders is the Min Value allowed by a Market (usually it's an Exchange rule) to create an order. This means that if a Trade is under that value, C.A.T. will need to adequate the Trade to that minimum value to create a Pong Order. With this option activated you will consider the trade As Dust
- Dust Elements are Discarded/Put Into BuySell Pool : with this option you decide what to do with a dust element.
You can also DECHECK this option
- If Necessary, Adequate Order to Min Total (Qty*Price) : when option is active (by default is active) if the min-total value of an order is not reached (the Exchange will discard the new order request) CAT will adeguate the quantity to reach the minimum value to create an order.
(Result will be that if you will find some little order in "frozen" status, and you can manually delete)
You can also use the MERGE Options
- Merge Equals Order/Trades into a new one : when option is active, if there are 2 or more equal orders/trades (same price, buy/sell type, ping/pong type) CAT will merge them into a new one.