This is the changelog
- Remove Cryptsy Exchange (it won't open again, deal with it)
- Internal Code reorganization
- Add new Exchange Option (Print All Api Call). To help users in debugging API problems
- Now the Error Console is the General Console (not only errors will be printed)
- The Button "UPDATE PING-PONG PARAMETERS" is more visible on the Ping-Pong Algorithm Option Panel
How is ETH trading with Ping Pong with this bot.
Any logs of bots moves within ETH during the last week in a half?
The same as any other currencies
For example, if Eth makes a +/- 10% Day 10 times, and you set the right ping-pong you can have a lot of gains.
Sometimes you can start with 2 opposite ping orders (1 buy and 1 sell) and let only one of them continue with the market trend.
When market trande changes, the other ping-pong workflow will be "de-frozen" from the wait status.
I think it's more complicated, I usually set part of the trading as static, part as ping-pong. Ping-pong algo on aggressive markets like ETH tend to freeze quickly on highs and lows. Maybe it's just my setting, but I've tried a lot of them