Morning all,
Heres a suggestion...
Sometimes we get stuck in a market...we have high sell PONGs or low buy PONGs. We look at the chart for today, and (if its a nice level price
), it doesn't look like any of our trades will be executed soon. C.A.T. has all its trading pool tied up in waiting trades, and so nothing happens.
At this point I would either
1) Sit it out and wait for price movement (could take some time and we miss out on possible margin gains)
2) Inject a new PING buy order (putting more cash into the market) to get some trades happening (but does increase our exposure to market)
3) Decide to cancel all orders. Buys return to BTC (or LTC, XPM), sells return to the coin balance. Stop execution, then restart market with an initial PING sell on the full coin balance.
Whenever we do step 3, we lose some money. How much is determined by what each of the stuck orders was bought or sold at and what we will get for them at the current price. It would be great if there was a button to calculate this amount - "Loss on Market Exit", and another button to then execute these steps - 'Cancel Orders & Restart Market'. At least we can make a quick and informed decision if it is worth it. Another plus of this is that the loss can also be added to the Global Gains sheet. At the moment when we do these steps, the loss not listed anywhere and can lead to us thinking we are doing better than we actually are !
Would people want a choice to do this only on PING buy trades and not PING sells ? (The logic being if you did a PING sell, you sold high and then expect to buy low - and markets always have a good chance of falling!)
In fact, it might be nice to have a global calculation of losses on all open markets and then sell all at current best price (which people have asked for) as part of the program exit.
Your thoughts people !?
I think that would be a very good addition to C.A.T. Do you think it is feasible Sampey?