Cryptopia has informed they are are fully sync'd and have received the 1 million. I am trying to find the best way to send the remaining coins, but also to ensure people can withdrawal. I am looking for someone how has a large number on the site, is on the correct version, and correct height; as seen at or by looking at the current checkpoint and getinfo.
Please let me know if you fit this bill and we can work with Crypoptia to ensure all is well before the full amount is sent..
@Tranz so these are my details let me know if this helps or you need something else. Will do my best to try and answer.
As of 11:26 PM E.S.T. 1. I am on wallet version:
v2.3.0.0-g-Caps2.02. I cannot post screen shots here due to being a newbie but I can post links with Lightshot
3. I Currently have
198,730 Bottlecaps on Cryptopia see screen shot here: Screen shot of Information tab from wallet: This my screen shot from getinfo from my wallet: This is the screen shot from getcheckpoint: This is the screen shot from this fits your bill and you need further assistance let me know.
Here to help.