Updated the list...
POS seems broken... perhaps the last running POS wallet that was working, was the one on that fork... After they got back on the correct chain, that made 100% of the broken code for POS now running? (It seems)
After that block 58088, there have been no more POS blocks. Before that, there was about 10 blocks per 1000 blocks. (Roughly 1% were being produced 1:100)... Now none are being produced. The only connection I see, is that one old program which was still running, on the fork, which is now gone. Leaving us, with all the updated and possibly broken POS code, still running.
Unless, the diff for POS has changed to match normal block diffs... then I would have to manually search every block, one by one, to find the POS blocks. (In previous searches, all POS blocks have shown as diff-0.003)
If it is broken... could it be that the calculation, for some reason, thinks the "update date", is 0-days, and will not start working again until 30 days from the update, before it begins producing POS blocks?
That is the only "glitch" I can think of, which would result in a complete stopping of POS blocks, unless POS was just disabled after that date... or, the "variable" used had a max value of 65536, which is close to 58088... close enough that a calculation for "next after 58088..." in a formula that multiplies that by something, might fail... resulting in something like a rolled-over value of 232 for a next POS, which should have been (58088 + 232 = 58320) after the formula summed-up, but resulted in just 232, which was already done, and thus, would fail block-height by nonce... or something like that.
Has POS been disabled until 1.4.1?
I also found it odd that the block-reward for these two blocks was below 10... they were POS blocks...
45455, 9.999
45252, 3.666
The totals should have been at-least 10... right?
block 45252 is a normal block with difficulty of 3.666 and reward of 10:
http://bot.webboise.com:2760/block/000000000ee711f81bf5f70cc7b93003f18bd78da89a17f9146e3e33568eae0eblock 45455 is a POS block with 2 transactions attached to it with total value of 9.999