OK, that's a nice game. I'll play it!
Here's my contribution to your quest.
So what's been going on in my head to get to this?Well, I've started with your national flag which is white with a blue cross in it. The logo is to be used purely for a Finnish site so a bit of Finnish nationality was in order here. I went on splitting the "Bit" part and the "tiraha" part to emphasize the Bitcoin meaning somewhat more from the Finnish word for money. And I wanted to emphasize the internet and you provided the missing link yourself, the .fi part.
So roughly something like this. But then blue. And the vertical text 90 degrees rotated...You get the point.
So what I've ended up withBut just crossing two times the words in blue was a bit too simple. And Bitcoiners are smart people. And that should be emphasized too.
So my conclusion was to ditch everything and only leave the two lowercase T's in the middle to indicate that something special was going on there.
See it as data compression. Data can be omitted because a smart algorithm knows what should go in there. Something like that.
But I' m going off topic here.
The line on top and at the bottom of those lowercase T's are the i's from The B
it and the t
iraha words emphasizing the Finnish cross between Bit(coins) and money somewhat more. That left me with the top left logo.
Nice but still missing something. The name then, to help the newbies a little maybe? So that went into the top i. That's middle right.
OK, let's play a little with different styles of this concept. So skewing it a bit. Top right. Laying it out somewhat flat making it fly a little more. Nice. Could be Bitcoins flying around in Finland. That's middle left B.T.W. Doing a light shadow and a slightly different position giving it more depth. Always good to tell your visitors that you site has many facets. Worthy of a
in-depth look hm? That's bottom right.
And the odd one out, the corporate banking look. Original logo with a border system.
So here it is. Have fun!