Date | Pair | Price (P) | Move (P) | Move% (P) | Price (R) | Move (R) |
| ||||||
16.01.2017 | ARDR/USD | 2.114 | 0.144 | 7.28 | | |
16.01.2017 | ETH/USD | 1266.905 | -11.785 | -0.92 | | |
16.01.2017 | XRP/USD | 1.515 | -0.145 | -8.75 | | |
16.01.2017 | LTC/USD | 227.584 | -4.306 | -1.86 | | |
16.01.2017 | XMR/USD | 408.128 | -4.692 | -1.14 | | |
| | |||||
16.01.2017 | DCR/USD | 107.126 | 1.806 | 1.71 | | |
16.01.2017 | ZRX/USD | 1.695 | -0.035 | -2.05 | | |
16.01.2017 | STRAT/USD | 19.752 | -1.098 | -5.27 | | |
16.01.2017 | NEO/USD | 180.529 | -8.081 | -4.28 | | |
16.01.2017 | OMG/USD | 21.722 | -0.638 | -2.85 | | |
date - day for which the close price is forcasted ( close price for current day calculated on 00:01 GMT of the next day)
pair - currency pairs for which forecast are generaited
forecasted price - predicted close price for "date"
move - currency pair trend, "up" indicates that price will rise up, "down" - price will go down
difference - "value" of the trend, basicaly means the difference of predicted close price and today`s close price at 00:01 GMT