Hi bountyfresh,
Unfortunately, it looks like 27 of these archives break the rules of the archiving campaign - the basic rules are: do not infringe copyright, stay on topic, and make sure the pages are unique. At this time you cannot be approved to move on to level 3 for this reason, until you have submitted non-rule-infringing submissions for level 2. Please resubmit your level 2 archives. I will grant you the required AR tokens to do so, but please pay extremely careful attention to our rules, which are fully described in the OP, otherwise unfortunately we will not be able to issue rewards for the rule-breaking content. If you have specific questions or you do not understand the rules, please email me at
[email protected] and I will be happy to help.
- India, and the Arweave team
I do 28 more archives. Check please. If still have problem with copyrights probably i'll not continue. Because when i check most of archives the peoples complete and you accepted, have copyright signs.
Round 3
Level 2
ETH address: [0x821101F0704CEDf3a32194FDdd1a9c401495d59b]
My archived pages: