Round 3
Level 1
ETH Wallet : 0xc51a422300Dcb1D0b5Ed539230E27DC082E7fe99
Hi Mostafa,
Welcome back!
These are interesting, thanks!
One thing - a couple of these aren't admissible (there is one repeated page - the Internet Explorer version history wiki page), and one broken page (_B_B60D7MbboticlQ6CPA9hirl7-DJcBoO9qn2WnxuA). You're welcome to proceed to level 2 now, but if you want the maximum available level rewards you can submit 42 archives instead of the usual 40, to make up for the one duplicated and one broken page. Let me know if you have questions! It's true that very occasionally some pages won't archive beautifully, but you will be able to spot that during the 'preview' page when archiving (if it shows a blank page, you should pick a different website to archive!).
- India, and the Arweave team