Just a quick touch-base.
A few things:
Makomk: Wow, excellent work, and fast! I'm impressed!
Second: It's not my call, but does the bounty not call for "Stable for 48hours" (which I would imagine would mean "Stable for everyone" not just "stable for some"). ie: does makomk's bitstream qualify yet?
If it does, I'm glad for him, and the community, awesome work!
But if not, the "race" is still on
Third: May I make a "suggestion" for a possible addition to the bounty rules? That would be "If one person achieves the required qualifications to earn the bounty, they must "hold" the position for 7 days in order for it to be awarded, and if during that 7 days, the majority agrees that another submission exceeds the qualifications of the first, then the 7 days resets for that new submission"
Yes I'm saying this because I still hope to claim the bounty
but also from the communities perspective, this would promote some strong competition to keep driving performance up and up very quickly (potentially). Thoughts?
A small update, my UART code failed. I ended up tearing it apart completely and re-writing it. I've now got that UART code tested and verified working well. It also now has centering (samples the center of the waveform), oversampling, and filtering/smoothing for noise. In addition, I'm re-writing the serial protocol completely, to be a bit more flexible, and more importantly, include error detection and correction. I still need a bit of work to get that done, and then slide the new protocol into an Icarus based miner. But it should solve most of the communications problems we've been having (and we'll see if there are still other problems remaining).
In order to achieve this, I've also re-written my own controller bitstream. My board is running it now. It still lacks usb flash capabilities, so this isn't for the general public just yet, but once I get that working, and the miner mining, I'll release them together, as well as the source code for the new controller, making it a full opensource solution for the cairnsmore.
This new setup will allow the controller to act as a "communications hub" as it was intended. You communicate with it over a single usb channel, and it relays data to the chips behind it OR up and down the up/down interface ports to neighboring cairnsmore boards (that last feature isn't fully done yet, I'll worry about that once I get it mining stable).
Anyway, this also acts as an enabler to let me finish my 100% custom bitstream. So who knows, we might see all kinds of new advancements in the next little while
Anyway, I'm getting back to work, that's my update for now.