After all, the match is still an exhibition so, there's no need to be harsh.
Pacquiao did a great job, showing to people even if it's just an exhibition match he won't be an easy opponent to the other and as to DK Yoo, he seems like starting to like his career but I see a lot of people whose unsatisfied with what he showed. Although martial arts is really different inside the ring because it hinder their full capabilities to use everything they learned.
It seems like exhibition matches are the new trend these days since they can make someone to fight to whoever they want to be in the ring.
It is true that martial arts is different when it comes to boxing because the rules are also different, but martial arts is also about speed and to respond well in such attacks by showing how good your reflexes are. And seriously, I didn't saw those attributes to DK Yoo when he was facing Pacquiao recently on the ring and frankly that's the reason why DK Yoo's face is now becoming a meme.
True, so a martial artist that has different discipline than boxing is fighting at a disadvantage when fighting a boxer in a boxing ruled fight. Even though DK Yoo is a great martial artist, heavier, and larger than his opponent, DK Yoo is still fighting in a disadvantage. If these two fighter is fighting in a Mix Martial Arts fight, I doubt Manny could easily win the fight, I even think DK Yoo will win it since he can restrain Manny with everything he has.
After all, the match is still an exhibition so, there's no need to be harsh.
Pacquiao did a great job, showing to people even if it's just an exhibition match he won't be an easy opponent to the other and as to DK Yoo, he seems like starting to like his career but I see a lot of people whose unsatisfied with what he showed. Although martial arts is really different inside the ring because it hinder their full capabilities to use everything they learned.
It seems like exhibition matches are the new trend these days since they can make someone to fight to whoever they want to be in the ring.
It's a good lesson for those who are planning to do another exhibition match against him. It won't be like a scripted WWE fight. They will get hurt and they could possibly be knocked out if ever they will receive a punch from Manny Pacquiao.
Yeah a great lesson to fight Manny Pacquiao, instant fame, instant wealth in exchange of some bruises. I believe Manny has restrained himself and only release is maximum capability when DK Yoo was KD.
The way he changes his attitude when he is in the boxing ring should be expected. He becomes a different person from that kind and smiling face to a fierce one.
Anyway, this is over and should be locked.
Let's wait if there will be more fighters who want to test his fists.
Manny is still smiling during the fight. Manny didn't give his all until those shots that make DK Yoo knocked down.