in a few months/years time when bitcoin is $1000 each then the minimal purchase you can make is just over 5c
Thats not correct. This isn't a protocol rule. As miners shift down the fee value they consider to be 0 for priority purposes it shifts this threshold down too.
Instead of being here, maybe actually try and figure out the blockchain size problem correctly, without censorship.
The word censorship loses meaning if you erroneously apply it to everything you don't like.
People can create txoutputs which cost more in fees to spend than they provide in bitcoins. This results in an increase in the perpetual unprunable data and the working set size of full nodes, and people use these outputs to also force all bitcoin users to carry around non-bitcoin data. Making the default behavior to not mine the creation of new outputs that can't be economically spent directly addresses the issue of outputs which are uneconomical to spend.
So adjust the fees!! That is why the mechanism of fees was put in place cause it's adjustable.
People are demanding that the fees be _decreased_ while the non-bitcoin junk data storage is _increasing_ under the current fees. This is the same general mechanism and it's also adjustable.
What the change does is makes it so that you can't pay a single 0.0001 fee and create a ton of 0.00000001 outputs. The base fee was 0.0005btc/KB in 0.8.1 and 0.8.2 _lowers_ the base fee to 0.0001BTC/kb but refuses to mine transactions which create outputs which are so small that they'd be uneconomical to spend considering the miner's configured minimum-fee-to-not-treat-as-zero.
NO transactions should be blocked, and currently no transaction have been blocked, miners have chose not to include them, but some miners will pick those up. THis is blocking transactions making them not able to be included or CENSORSHIP.
So please research again and then say something smart.
Uh. You are so thoroughly confused I don't know where to start.
(1) The change doesn't block anything. Your "CENSORSHIP" here is crying wolf. It changes the default mining behavior to not include some transactions which are very likely to be abusive non-financial transactions, but it's just a default and its adjustable. It doesn't make them not able to be included. You've been told this multiple times. You've acknowledged that you understand that it's a configurable default, so are you intentionally telling lies now?
(2) There are VERY many transaction kinds which are inhibited in exactly the same way— in fact, unlike this most of them can't be permitted without modifying the source code. (Search for 'bitcoin standard transactions')