No, the argument is that output dust is blocked to prevent the recipient from being charged with tx fees when they are next used. My point is you can freely use dust so there's no need to protect anyone. Now, if you want to say that we are protecting the blockchain from bloat then that's a legitimate argument. But don't lie and claim that people can't freely spend dust if they want to.
Let me try to clarify.
There is no rule
preventing anyone from spending money
they already have in their wallet, even if it is dust. Fees still apply and have always applied if the transaction doesnt qualify as free.(see rules regarding the fee structure).
This change would effectively prevent you from
making a transaction with dust as an output.Regardless of this change(and the guidelines before it) you can still connect to a miner that is willing to mine your 'non standard'(dust) transactions for you.
What the fee structure roughly is: (Age of money) *magic* (amount of money) *magic* (size of transactions) *magic!*. A transaction can be free if its under that 1000 bytes and its number from that magic math is low enough to allow it to be sent for free.(feel free to look up the exact details)
On the new client your transaction didnt have dust as an output, so its a legit transaction.
Going by your transaction there are 2 possibilities.
-It passed the 'magic' so it didnt need a fee.
-Some miner was willing to mine your low value transaction even if it was considered dust.
To try to reiterate the point of all of this. If someone or several people or hundreds of people send you dust from many transactions,
with more then 2-3 pieces of dust as an input you have gone over the size limit for a transaction to be free(unless you can find a miner to mine it). As a result you MUST include a fee if you want it in a block in reasonable time, or if you want it to be relayed by the network.
The fee for these types of transactions can as a result be larger then the dust you are gathering from inside your wallet. Which brings back the question 'would you spend that dust if the transaction fee cost you more then the dust is worth?'
I hope this clarifies things a bit.