I would rather live in Brazil (or 95% of Latin America) than Venezuala. Colombia is a casualty of the failed war on drugs. Still I would pick Belize over all of them.
Did you find the article funny? When "only" having 21% inflation, the 4th highest murder rate in the world, and positive but significantly lower GDP growth than its Latin American peers are the "positives" well it kinda feels like the author is reaching.
That doesn't even get into the moral issue. Even if you "could" improve the common good by seizing the wealth of others through the use/threat of violence is it moral/ethical? I would say no, the ends never justify the means.
But apparently don't feel the same way about the companies that accumulated that wealth by their corrupt practices that lead to them getting it in the first place, to the determent of the people/countries they operate in.