Excuse me posting the third time in a row, but I was rushing out in the morning and didn't have much time to write down all my thoughts.
Brainwallets were literally invented by someone who was out to rip people off; no joke!
Well, if it's not a joke, then let me explain how you are wrong.
Nobody invented brain wallets!Perhaps there was a person who named it like that (nice naming, BTW), but he did not invent it!
Brain wallets are natural, just like using the fingers for picking your nose is natural.
You don't invent it - it's just there, ready to be used.
I use brain wallet not because someone showed it to me.
I use it because one day I found it to be a perfect method for creating a seed for a master private key of a bitcoin wallet.
And it didn't take a process - it was just a thought; a natural thought, like thinking of having a swim in a hot weather.
So please stop spreading such disinformation, because not only that it isn't helpful to anyone, but it's also not good for you.
Unless your goal is not to be perceived as a bitcoin scientist/technician, but rather as a bitcoin apostle/preacher.
In the other part of your argument, you mentioned that "rainbow tables" can be used to crack the brain wallets..
I mean, come on, man - are you kidding me?
There is no fucking way you don't know that rainbow tables are completely useless for cracking 256-bit hashes..
Why would you even bring such a term into the discussion?
What is a purpose of that if not trying to convince clueless people that your thesis is right, without providing any actual arguments?
I have been fascinated with passwords-cracking ever since I was 20.
They almost kicked me out of the university, because of that.
But it wasn't my fault - I was just a kid harmlessly experimenting with stuff.
Back then, in the 90s, cracking unix account passwords was as easy as looking for the match inside the /etc/passwd file.
John the Ripper - is the software I will always remember. It's old school, but still great software.
I know very well how much progress has been made on the filed for the past 20 years.
And today I choose brain wallet. It's not preaching - it's experience.
I am not telling anyone what he should or should not do - I'm just telling him what I know.
Well, maybe I'm also preaching a bit: Believe in your brain and its limitless imagination - it's far more sophisticated than any PRNG invented by man.
When I read about all these "research" papers and browse through slideshows from some DEFCON meetings - for me it's just some kids looking for attention, playing with 30 years old technology, which they don't really understand. Had they understood it, they would have had much bigger respect to the very complex problem of cracking passwords. But all I see is an infant boosting and patronising with statements that have absolutely no technical backup.
You kids...