I just want to add that I think that this is a very interesting topic and I wish we could just discuss it in a cold professional manner, putting emotions and dick measuring aside.
I wish we were able to discuss the complexity of cracking brain wallets and the important aspects around their security.
So why won't I start.
I think it would be fair to assume that the throttle is set by the EC function that multiplies a number repesenting a potential private key by the G point of the curve.
To simplify, let's put the times of any hashings aside - let's say they are zero.
In the library I currently use, my i7 Intel CPU, needs about 120 nanoseconds to perform such an operation.
But it is obviously not the most optimal implementation - so let's assume that the optimal implementation is more than one million times faster than it: it can calculate 1 million public keys within 100 nanoseconds, which comes to 10000000000000 (1e13) operations per second.
Now, let's take a simple password - only low case characters: 'a' to 'z'
For 8 characters long password, at this speed of brute forcing, it would take 26^8/1e13 = 0.02 second (in the worst case) to find the password.
Meaning: you do not want to use 8 characters long password - 8 characters long brain wallets are shit!
But it does not yet mean that all the brain wallets are not secure...
Because, what would the time be for 16 characters long password?
Well, the number is 26^16/1e13/3600/365 = 3318 years.
How about 32 characters password?
According to my calculator, 26^32/1e13/3600/365 equals 144727736474009759620915358 [years] - I'm sure we don't have that much time.
This is 32 characters long password, with only lower case letters ('a' to 'z')!
And here we come to the point.
Some people out there are saying that they can program a software to predict what my brain had been thinking while generating the 32 characters long password.
They are going to use dictionaries and all kind of technics to only check the sequences that my brain would think of, skipping those that it would not...
And this software will be so efficient that it will simplify the problem by about 144727736474009759620915358 times, so they can find my password within a year.
I am really dying to learn about these breakthrough technics and their ingenious algos.
Because what I have seen so far is only making me to say: spare your efforts little boys, before you shit yourself trying.
And forgive me concluding with this humorous metaphor.
Now, please prove me wrong.