Zoomhash.com not a ponzi or scam since.....2013!
I can voucher for that, great service... but 2015... you cant back that up.
I wouldn't trust these guys these days, you just shut down cloud mining contracts without telling customers.
You're epic fail with the new virtual "no mining fee" cloud mining contracts last month... ohh guess what it still deducted mining fees.
Do what's right!
as you can see i started the contracts last year in mid September..... at the begging of December2014 Zoomhash stopped payments until the other day about 5 days ago...
he only posted the days earnings and nothing more.....
and today he stopped all mining and rendered expired my account with still a few months of 83 M/h of miners.... no contact no nothing and all this time for the last few days i did pay miners fees.
The programmers are doing an audit right now. The contracts will resume within 24 hours. Sorry for the delay!