
Topic: Breaking News! European Refugee Crisis Resolved! - page 2. (Read 8018 times)

Activity: 28
Merit: 0
It is supposed to be the model multicultural state
What a surprise. Those images are photoshooooooooooped!!!!!

when will they wake up? others say it's by design... if it's by design once the pendulum will switch (remember the grassroots are idiots that pee on themselves) those having done that, will be exposed to the same faith of those rapists. and it ain't pretty. IBM did a lot of progress... there will be no cards trail (to make the Donald happy). Digitization can be so cold once the zero energy chips are hashing.

of course the leftists will have no choice but to build a censorship apparatus to silent all dissent. this system will be the foundation of their downfall... only it's impossible to know how low it will get. they seems to NOT want to learn, putinlike.

free will - informed consent - victimless

otherwise it will comeback to bite...

Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001

Multi-Culturalism Fail: Gangs Of Arab Migrants Riot For Fifth Straight Night In Sweden, Torching Cars, Attacking Police…

It is supposed to be the model multicultural state. But Sweden is facing problems of its own after gangs of immigrants spent a fifth consecutive night rioting  in Stockholm.

Officers are battling to keep the  capital under control after hundreds of cars were torched, a police station set alight and fire services kept from  a major blaze by a stone-throwing mob of youths.

To make matters worse, rioting has now spread to Sweden’s two other major cities, Gothenburg and Malmo.

What a surprise. Those images are photoshooooooooooped!!!!!

Activity: 1078
Merit: 1014
shoot i thought moses started it
probably never existed
Activity: 28
Merit: 0

A young, female ‘No Borders’ activist working in a migrant camp on the France-Italy border remained silent about her gang rape by Sudanese migrants for over a month because “the others asked me to keep quiet.”

Colleagues are alleged to have said that reporting the crime would set back their struggle for a borderless world

I am speechless.

full member
Activity: 124
Merit: 100
cancer sucks
I fail to see how it's even remotely similar to the post-WW2 fiasco of Jews getting sent to Palestine, turning it into modern-day Israel, and gradually oppressing the Palestinians more and more and adopting the same Nazi mentality that they escaped from.
it is very similar. the jewish invasion of palestine began more than a half century before ww2 with "harmless" pioneers going there to work and set up farms and businesses. by the time the palestine arabs figured out what was going on (t1920s) and agreed amongst themselves that the jewish infiltrators needed to be driven out (1930s) it was too late.
shoot i thought moses started it
Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001

Muslim Migrants Demand Sex: “Problem, problem problem here (points to groin) Balls is very big”

Published on Oct 5, 2015
Muslim Migrants Demand Sex: “Problem, problem problem here (points to groin) Balls is very big”

Refugees in refugee shelter talk about their problems, “not having sex.”

“I slept three days in hospital because of this problem.”

Reporter: “What was the problem?”

“Problem, problem problem here (points to groin) Balls is very big.

Reporter: “Your balls?”

“Really. He said make sex with anyone.”

Activity: 3752
Merit: 1217
Yes this could end the EU, as many countries do not want to be overrun by Muslims. Or continue to be dominate by Fourth Reich Germany and pencil neck technocrats in Brussels.

It won't be that easy. Countries such as Poland are extremely dependent upon Germany. A large part of the subsidies given to the Eastern European nations are being funded by the Germans, and large number of Poles, Hungarians.etc work in Germany for a living. If Germany replaces the Poles and the Hungarians in its factories with the Syrians, then there will be unrest in the Eastern European nations.
hero member
Activity: 518
Merit: 500
Yes this could end the EU, as many countries do not want to be overrun by Muslims. Or continue to be dominate by Fourth Reich Germany and pencil neck technocrats in Brussels.
Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001

Hamburg to seize commercial property to house migrants

Hamburg has become the first German city to pass a law allowing the seizure of empty commercial properties in order to house migrants.

The influx of migrants has put pressure on the authorities of the northern city to find accommodation. Some migrants are sleeping rough outdoors.

Hamburg's law takes effect next week.

In a separate development, prosecutors filed charges of inciting racial hatred against a co-founder of the anti-Islamic Pegida movement.
The prosecutors in the eastern city of Dresden said they acted after Lutz Bachmann had on Facebook described asylum seekers "trash" and "animals".

Pegida (Patriotic Europeans Against the Islamisation of the Occident) members have staged a number of rallies in recent months, attracting tens of thousands of people.

Meanwhile, a new survey by broadcaster ARD said 51% of people admitted the influx of migrants scared them. It suggests a four-year low in Chancellor Angela Merkel's popularity.

She has said Germany can accommodate migrants who have genuinely fled war or persecution - a humanitarian gesture towards the many thousands risking their lives to reach Europe this year.

But many politicians - including her conservative Bavarian CSU allies and various EU partners - have criticised the open-door policy.

Hamburg's new law is described as a temporary, emergency measure. Owners of empty commercial properties will be compensated. The law does not include residential properties.

But the conservative opposition in the city, in the north of Germany, condemned the move.

The authorities in Bremen, a city just west of Hamburg, are considering passing a similar law.

Mass brawl

Germany expects to host at least 800,000 asylum seekers this year - about four times the number it had last year.

Many are from war-torn Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan. But the thousands arriving also include asylum seekers from Kosovo, Albania and other Balkan countries, whose claims are usually rejected.

On Thursday more than 200 migrants fought each other in a mass brawl at a reception centre in Hamburg-Bergedorf. Police said Syrians and Afghans were involved in the latest clash.

Similar fights have erupted at some other migrant centres in Germany. A bigger brawl took place near Kassel, in central Germany, at the end of September.

In Berlin, Munich, Hamburg and elsewhere the authorities have erected tented camps for migrants - but with winter approaching they are deemed too basic as communal housing.

There is hardly any accommodation left in Hamburg for migrants, who are entering the city at a rate of about 500 daily, ARD television reports.

The Hamburg region's leftist government - a coalition of Greens, Social Democrats (SPD) and Die Linke - says the new law will be in force until March 2017.

Confiscation will only take place if the property owner refuses to hand it over willingly in exchange for compensation.

In the Brandenburg region, in eastern Germany, the authorities have halted the demolition of old social housing blocks. Instead they will be refurbished to provide 4,000 flats for migrants, the daily Die Zeit reports.

Meanwhile Franconia, in north Bavaria, plans to build cheap modular units to house migrants for 10 years, after which they will be rented out as social housing for locals.

Activity: 1442
Merit: 1016
There is more new about the refugees. Over 200 asylum seekers clash in German refugee center. Apparently this is the third such incident this week only. This is what happens when you let in people who are violent and not used to living in a civilized nation.
No, this happens when you have a lot of people in a small space

Might be one reason yes. But not the main factor.Have you read what Rainer Wendt, President of german police union, said a few days ago?!

The leader of the German police union has warned of violent clashes between migrant groups being imported into his country. In a newspaper interview he also said that information about the migrant crisis is being withheld by authorities to avoid scaring the public.

Rainer Wendt, Federal Chairman of the German Police Union, was being interviewed by Deutsche Wirtschafts Nachrichten when he issued his warning about importing violence into the country.

Describing the migrant crisis as the biggest challenge to the police since 1945, he warned of “widespread prepared and organised mass brawls and fights” in migrant camps, such as the one in the central German city of Kassel (pictured above) which Breitbart London previously reported.

Wendt explained that he was not talking about mere scuffles, but of “proper power struggles between different groups who have different ethnic and religious backgrounds.”

Although he noted that there have been attacks by Islamists on Christians, he counseled against identifying a particular ethnic group or religion as the main perpetrator for two reasons.

First, he said the numerous reports of violence and abuse aimed at women and children are not specific to any one faith or ethnic group.

Secondly, Wendt explained most conflicts take place within not between religious communities – in Germany’s case mostly Muslims. Saying why he thinks faith-based segregation is not the answer to the problem, he added: “We must not forget: in the home countries, most victims of Islamists are not Christians, but Muslims. A religious separation is therefore not effective.”

Wendt said that the crisis does not give the impression of being under control and that so long as it persists the long-term effects are hard to assess. He did, however, say that if the influx is not stopped then conflicts between migrants will be played out on German streets.

He warned that an upshot of migrant violence is the risk “right-wing extremists use the mood for themselves in order to carry out attacks against refugee shelters”, but said there is no actual evidence of this.

The interviewer suggested that despite the arrival of “hundreds of thousands” comparatively little has actually happened and asked whether that impression is accurate. Wendt replied that in fact “the public does not know everything” because the police report “only a fraction” of what is happening to avoid scaring people unnecessarily.

The former head of Austria’s domestic security agency, Dr Gert R. Polli, recently warned that terror groups may be taking advantage of the migrant crisis to place terrorists in Europe, as reported by Breitbart London. Wendt agreed that the possibility of terrorists and radicals coming in cannot be excluded as “border controls to Austria are no longer intact… borders are no longer controllable.”
Activity: 2674
Merit: 2965
No, this happens when you have a lot of people in a small space
So 500 students in the same room waiting for classes and this happens? There are a lot of examples in civilized nations where it is very crowded at times and yet nobody engages in a 200 man brawl. There are time where the metro is really full and people are pushing your constantly (unintentionally though). Should I start a brawl to resolve the problem? Please don't talk nonsense. Civilized people should not engage in any brawls (only in extreme and unavoidable cases) not to mention some group brawls. Nobody should support a influx of illegal people and false acceptance.

This is actually a very good video and everyone should watch it before you start supporting the stupid policy of accepting so many people.
Activity: 1110
Merit: 1000
You're just butthurt. The Polish minister was probably factually correct in saying that most of the soldiers were of Ukrainian origin. Look on any map to find out where Auschwitz is located, and you will see that it would make no sense for more distant Red Army units to be involved, rather than the Ukrainian ones.

Listen idiot, the unit which liberated Auschwitz (Voronezh Front) was more than 90% Russian, and there were hardly any Ukrainians in that unit. Most of the soldiers were from the Russian provinces of Voronezh, Lipetsk and Tambov. All the three commanders were ethnic Russian (General Nikolai F. Vatutin, Marshal Georgy K. Zhukov, and Marshal Ivan S. Konev).

That said, I don't care about shameless people such as you. Soviet Union should have let the Nazis conquer all of the Western Europe and North America. People such as you should have been gassed by the Nazis.

When argument are missing, the best way is personnal attack ... this proof again the way of democratic rulez... your own rulez ...

First, you forget to add because Soviet union show have let the Nazis ... but this is what they DO  ... LoL ... -> Secret Ribentrop-Molotov ... Huh Hoo yes ... non agression pact to divide conquered Poland ...

And of course ...  the invade by German start on 1st september 1939 but you forget to add that Russian was invading poland start on 17 september 1939 .. .with the same shit as Crimea ... we wanted to protect Russian speaking langage ... LoL

Wanting the death of other people is showing really how you are ... and wich democracy you like .. or perhaps -> Dictator's way ?

And where are your great information about the free of Oswiecim  ... Forget the story about Katyn ?? Come on ... The great liberator of CCCP .... the same those during 50 years lie to all polish .... as they killed more then .. how much Huh? 5 .. 10 .. ? Hoo no

Little story for u, because ... it is pissing when people want to re-write the story ... and sorry but Russian are number one for this fact !

The Katyn massacre (Polish: zbrodnia katyńska, mord katyński, "Katyń crime"; Russian: Кaтынcкий paccтpeл Katynskij ra'sstrel, "Katyn shooting") was a series of mass executions of Polish nationals carried out by the People's Commissariat for Internal Affairs (NKVD), the Soviet secret police, in April and May 1940. Originally, the term "Katyn massacre", also known as the Katyn Forest massacre, referred to the massacre at Katyn Forest, which was discovered first and was the largest execution of this type.

The massacre was prompted by NKVD chief Lavrentiy Beria's proposal to execute all captive members of the Polish Officer Corps, dated 5 March 1940, approved by the Soviet Politburo, including its leader, Joseph Stalin. The number of victims is estimated at about 22,000.[1] The victims were executed in the Katyn Forest in Russia, the Kalinin and Kharkiv prisons, and elsewhere. Of the total killed, about 8,000 were officers taken prisoner during the 1939 Soviet invasion of Poland, another 6,000 were police officers, and the rest were arrested Polish intelligentsia that the Soviets deemed to be "intelligence agents, gendarmes, landowners, saboteurs, factory owners, lawyers, officials and priests".[1]

The government of Nazi Germany announced the discovery of mass graves in the Katyn Forest in 1943. When the London-based Polish government-in-exile asked for an investigation by the International Red Cross, Stalin immediately severed diplomatic relations with it. The USSR claimed that the victims had been murdered by the Nazis in 1941, and continued to deny responsibility for the massacres until 1990, when it officially acknowledged and condemned the perpetration of the killings by the NKVD, as well as the subsequent cover-up by the Soviet government.[1][2][3][a]

An investigation conducted by the Prosecutor General's Office of the Soviet Union (1990–1991) and the Russian Federation (1991–2004) confirmed Soviet responsibility for the massacres, but refused to classify this action as a war crime or an act of genocide. The investigation was closed on the grounds that the perpetrators of the atrocity were already dead, and since the Russian government would not classify the dead as victims of Stalinist repression, formal posthumous rehabilitation was deemed inapplicable.[4]

In November 2010, the Russian State Duma approved a declaration blaming Stalin and other Soviet officials for having personally ordered the massacre.[5]

...Blaming Stalin ... the same monster that Poutine show now as a great men .... who served Russia ... and killed 30 Millions Russia too in Camp in Siberia ... LoL

If you like so much Russia ... go living there ... but please stop to post stupid propaganda ...
hero member
Activity: 675
Merit: 514
There is more new about the refugees. Over 200 asylum seekers clash in German refugee center. Apparently this is the third such incident this week only. This is what happens when you let in people who are violent and not used to living in a civilized nation.
No, this happens when you have a lot of people in a small space
Activity: 2674
Merit: 2965
And here comes the new record!!! (Only to be breached the next month)
There is more new about the refugees. Over 200 asylum seekers clash in German refugee center. Apparently this is the third such incident this week only. This is what happens when you let in people who are violent and not used to living in a civilized nation.
Activity: 3752
Merit: 1217
And here comes the new record!!! (Only to be breached the next month)

Germany took in more than 200,000 migrants in September, politicians said on Thursday, a new record which is likely to fuel the debate about how many newcomers Europe's most populous country can absorb.

Until all this began, I was having a feeling that Germany will become a Muslim majority nation only in 2040 or 2050. Now I think that it can happen as early as 2018 or 2019.
Activity: 1050
Merit: 1000
30,000 People shouting "Fuck Islam" on the streets of Poland
Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001
Activity: 3752
Merit: 1217
I have a friend in Italy. She's a woman and quite small (~152). Since the surge of refugees from Africa the crime and rape incidents have increased. She does not feel safe when she's alone anymore at all! Similar stuff is going to happen in every country that accepts random people from down there (who knows how many criminals have entered/will enter). Why would anyone normal want to live in a hostile environment?

Incidents of rape has increased by many times in countries such as Germany, Sweden, Austria, and Croatia, ever since the migrant influx from the Muslim countries began. Recently, a 16-year old schoolgirl was raped in Germany by a Muslim immigrant. But the mainstream media is under strict instructions from the government, to ignore these cases.
Activity: 2674
Merit: 2965
Actually who cares about what the "False Prophet" rebuffed last time. His approval rate within the church diminishing quickly, in these days only the leftist/liberal media keep celebrating him. (Mass media is a good compass, if they like something then it's better to avoid that "something".)
Well obviously average people are going to care and Christians. Vatican needs to shut up unless they are doing something right now, which they are not. If I was the head of a country I would not let people push me into doing the wrong thing (i.e. letting a lot of them get in). If they do keep letting random people in, then I'll most likely move my expertise somewhere else as soon as this is possible. People who are not experiencing this first hand have no real idea what's going on.
I have a friend in Italy. She's a woman and quite small (~152). Since the surge of refugees from Africa the crime and rape incidents have increased. She does not feel safe when she's alone anymore at all! Similar stuff is going to happen in every country that accepts random people from down there (who knows how many criminals have entered/will enter). Why would anyone normal want to live in a hostile environment?
Activity: 1512
Merit: 1000
This guy known as the "Pope" should just shut up and keep a low profile. The state of Vatican has accepted ZERO Syrian refugees to this date. And now he is urging the European nations to accept millions of Muslim migrants. If he is so concerned about the plight of the Muslims, then he should sell some of the assets of the Catholic church, worth trillions of USD, and give that money to these migrants. I have never seen a bigger hypocrite in my life.

Actually who cares about what the "False Prophet" rebuffed last time. His approval rate within the church diminishing quickly, in these days only the leftist/liberal media keep celebrating him. (Mass media is a good compass, if they like something then it's better to avoid that "something".)
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